如何检测 Firebase 存储文件是否存在?

How do I detect if a Firebase Storage file exists?

我正在 FIRStorageReference 上写一个 Swift 扩展来检测文件是否存在。我打电话给metadataWithCompletion()。如果未设置完成块的可选 NSError,我认为假设该文件存在是安全的。

如果设置了 NSError,要么是出了问题,要么是文件不存在。 storage documentation on handling errors in iOS 声明 FIRStorageErrorCodeObjectNotFound 是我应该检查的错误类型,但它没有解决(可能 Swift 化为更短的 .Name 样式常量?)并且我我不确定我应该检查什么。

如果某处设置了 FIRStorageErrorCodeObjectNotFound,我想打电话给 completion(nil, false)


extension FIRStorageReference {
    func exists(completion: (NSError?, Bool?) -> ()) {
        metadataWithCompletion() { metadata, error in
            if let error = error {
                print("Error: \(error.localizedDescription)")
                print("Error.code: \(error.code)")

                // This is where I'd expect to be checking something.

                completion(error, nil)
            } else {
                completion(nil, true)


这是一个简单的代码,我用它来检查用户是否已经通过 hasChild("") 方法获得了用户照片,参考在这里:


let userID = FIRAuth.auth()?.currentUser?.uid

        self.databaseRef.child("users").child(userID!).observeEventType(.Value, withBlock: { (snapshot) in
            // Get user value
                let username = snapshot.value!["username"] as! String
                self.userNameLabel.text = username
                // check if user has photo
                if snapshot.hasChild("userPhoto"){
                    // set image locatin
                    let filePath = "\(userID!)/\("userPhoto")"
                    // Assuming a < 10MB file, though you can change that
                    self.storageRef.child(filePath).dataWithMaxSize(10*1024*1024, completion: { (data, error) in
                        let userPhoto = UIImage(data: data!)
                        self.userPhoto.image = userPhoto


// Check error code after completion
storageRef.metadataWithCompletion() { metadata, error in
  guard let storageError = error else { return }
  guard let errorCode = FIRStorageErrorCode(rawValue: storageError.code) else { return }
  switch errorCode {
    case .ObjectNotFound:
      // File doesn't exist

    case .Unauthorized:
      // User doesn't have permission to access file

    case .Cancelled:
      // User canceled the upload


    case .Unknown:
    // Unknown error occurred, inspect the server response

Swift 5

let storageRef = Storage.storage().reference().child("yourPath").child("\(someFile)") // eg. someVideoFile.mp4

print(storageRef.fullPath) // use this to print out the exact path that your checking to make sure there aren't any errors

storageRef.getMetadata() { (metadata: StorageMetadata?, error) in
    if let error = error {
        guard let errorCode = (error as NSError?)?.code else {
            print("problem with error")
        guard let err = StorageErrorCode(rawValue: errorCode) else {
            print("problem with error code")
        switch err {
           case .objectNotFound:
                print("File doesn't exist")
            case .unauthorized:
                print("User doesn't have permission to access file")
            case .cancelled:
                print("User cancelled the download")
            case .unknown:
                print("Unknown error occurred, inspect the server response")
                print("Another error occurred. This is a good place to retry the download")
    // Metadata contains file metadata such as size, content-type.
    guard let metadata = metadata else {
        // an error occured while trying to retrieve metadata
        print("metadata error")
    if metadata.isFile {
        print("file must exist becaus metaData is a file")
    } else {
        print("file for metadata doesn't exist")
    let size = metadata.size
    if size != 0 {
        print("file must exist because this data has a size of: ", size)
    } else {
        print("if file size is equal to zero there must be a problem"


let storageRef = Storage.storage().reference().child("yourPath").child("\(someFile)")
storageRef.getMetadata() { (metadata: StorageMetadata?, error) in
    if let error = error { return }
    guard let metadata = metadata else { return }
    if metadata.isFile {
        print("file must exist because metaData is a file")
    } else {
        print("file for metadata doesn't exist")
    let size = metadata.size
    if size != 0 {
        print("file must exist because this data has a size of: ", size)
    } else {
        print("if file size is equal to zero there must be a problem"