配置 Ejabberd 以使用 Oauth2 时出错

Error while configuring Ejabberd to work with Oauth2

根据 and Ejabberd Oauth DOCS,我对ejabberd.yml进行了修改。但是,每次我点击这个


URL,我在 ejabberd 日志中收到以下错误

[error] <0.487.0> CRASH REPORT Process <0.487.0> with 0 neighbours crashed with reason: call to undefined function ejabberd_oauth:process([<<"authorization_token">>], {request,'GET',[<<"oauth">>,<<"authorization_token">>],[{<<"response_type">>,<<"token">>},{<<"cli...">>,...},...],...})

我从来没有看到 SO 答案中显示的屏幕。我做错了什么?

ejabberd oauth documentation中所述:

OAuth support is available in ejabberd 15.09 and newest releases.

它不适用于 ejabberd 15.04。