C# Winform - 保持 MouseDown 并加入其他对象,对象 MouseMove 不起作用

C# Winform - Keep MouseDown and join to other object the object MouseMove not work

当对象A上的MouseDown然后mousemove到objectB时,objectB(mousemove handle)无法调用。


    public Test()
        this.Size = new Size(500, 500);
        Panel pl = new Panel();
        pl.Size = new Size(200, 200);
        pl.Location = new Point(0, 0);
        pl.BackColor = Color.Pink;

        Label lb = new Label();
        lb.Text = "Keep MouseDown and move to Panel2 , Panel2 MouseMoveHandler not work";
        lb.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

        TextBox tb = new TextBox();
        tb.Multiline = true;
        tb.Size = new Size(400, 100);
        tb.Location = new Point(0,300);

        Panel pl2 = new Panel();
        pl2.Size = new Size(100, 100);
        pl2.Location = new Point(0, 0);
        pl2.BackColor = Color.Red;
        pl2.Location = new Point(300, 0);
        pl2.MouseMove += new MouseEventHandler(delegate (object o, MouseEventArgs a)
            tb.AppendText(a.X + "," + a.Y);


您看到的是标准行为。如果您将鼠标移到该对象之外,这是在按住鼠标的同时获取该对象的 MouseMove 事件的唯一方法。

如果您想在任何时间点找出光标下的控件(如果需要,您可以在 MouseMove 事件中进行),您可以使用此代码:

private static extern IntPtr WindowFromPoint(Point pnt);

public static Control GetControlUnderCursor() {
  var handle = WindowFromPoint(Control.MousePosition);
  if (handle != IntPtr.Zero)
    return Control.FromHandle(handle);
  return null;

如果您将表单的 Capture property to true (that's what is happening on your control when you hold the mouse button down) also and you can check Control.MouseButtons 设置为在需要时找出按下了哪些鼠标按钮,则可以在表单的 MouseMove 事件中使用此代码..