我可以将 Websphere 与 Spring 3.1 和 Ehcache 一起使用吗?
Can I use Websphere with Spring 3.1 and Ehcache?
我需要在使用 Spring 3.1 版和 Websphere 的项目中实现 Ehcache。我试图 google 关于这个主题的一些东西,但我找不到任何东西。你们有没有一起使用过这三个工具?提前致谢。
根据EhCache docs,它将不会自动检测Websphere Transaction Manager,。
Automatically Detected Transaction Managers
Ehcache automatically detects and uses the following transaction
managers in the following order:
- GenericJNDI(例如 Glassfish、JBoss、JTOM 和任何其他已注册的
自己在 JNDI 中的标准位置
- Weblogic(自 2.4.0 起)
- Bitronix
- 阿托米科斯
If your Transaction Manager is not in the above list or you wish to
change the priority, provide your own lookup class based on an
implementation of net.sf.ehcache.transaction.manager.TransactionManagerLookup and
specify it in place of the DefaultTransactionManagerLookup in
class= "com.mycompany.transaction.manager.MyTransactionManagerLookupClass"
properties="" propertySeparator=":"/>
要将 Spring 与 EhCache 集成并使用,请参考此 link
从 Spring doc 开始,
36.3 Declarative annotation-based caching For caching declaration, the abstraction provides a set of Java annotations:
@Cacheable triggers cache population @CacheEvict triggers cache eviction
@CachePut updates the cache without interfering with the method execution
@Caching regroups multiple cache operations to be applied on a
@CacheConfig shares some common cache-related settings at class-level
我需要在使用 Spring 3.1 版和 Websphere 的项目中实现 Ehcache。我试图 google 关于这个主题的一些东西,但我找不到任何东西。你们有没有一起使用过这三个工具?提前致谢。
根据EhCache docs,它将不会自动检测Websphere Transaction Manager,。
Automatically Detected Transaction Managers
Ehcache automatically detects and uses the following transaction managers in the following order:
- GenericJNDI(例如 Glassfish、JBoss、JTOM 和任何其他已注册的 自己在 JNDI 中的标准位置 java:/事务管理器
- Weblogic(自 2.4.0 起)
- Bitronix
- 阿托米科斯
无需配置;他们开箱即用。第一个发现 被使用了。
If your Transaction Manager is not in the above list or you wish to change the priority, provide your own lookup class based on an implementation of net.sf.ehcache.transaction.manager.TransactionManagerLookup and specify it in place of the DefaultTransactionManagerLookup in ehcache.xml:
class= "com.mycompany.transaction.manager.MyTransactionManagerLookupClass"
properties="" propertySeparator=":"/>
要将 Spring 与 EhCache 集成并使用,请参考此 link
从 Spring doc 开始,
36.3 Declarative annotation-based caching For caching declaration, the abstraction provides a set of Java annotations:
@Cacheable triggers cache population @CacheEvict triggers cache eviction
@CachePut updates the cache without interfering with the method execution
@Caching regroups multiple cache operations to be applied on a method
@CacheConfig shares some common cache-related settings at class-level