rails 中的删除按钮会销毁但不会重定向

Delete button destroys but not redirecting in rails


这是 Ruby on Rails 使用 HAML 的应用程序。


                          projects GET       /projects(.:format)                                                                 projects#index
                                   POST      /projects(.:format)                                                                 projects#create
                       new_project GET       /projects/new(.:format)                                                             projects#new
                      edit_project GET       /projects/:id/edit(.:format)                                                        projects#edit
                           project PATCH     /projects/:id(.:format)                                                             projects#update
                                   PUT       /projects/:id(.:format)                                                             projects#update
                                   DELETE    /projects/:id(.:format)                                                             projects#destroy


   - if can? :destroy, @project
     = link_to project_path(@project), method: :delete, remote: true, data: { confirm: 'Are you sure you want to permanently delete this project?' }, class: "btn btn--primary btn--auto btn--short btn--delete", title: "Delete project" do


def destroy
    @project_id = params[:id]
    project = Project.accessible_by(current_ability).find_by!(id: @project_id)

    authorize! :destroy, @project

    if @project.destroy.update_attributes(id: @project_id)
      flash[:success] = "The Project was successfully deleted."
      redirect_to projects_path
      flash[:error] = "There was an error trying to delete the Project, please try again later."
      redirect_to edit_project_path(@project)


class Project < ActiveRecord::Base
  belongs_to :user
  has_many :project_items, -> { order("code ASC, name ASC") }, dependent: :destroy

  has_many :project_workers, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :workforces, through: :project_workers
  has_many :worked_hours, through: :project_workers

  has_many :project_equipments, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :equipments, through: :project_equipments
  has_many :equipment_hours, through: :project_equipments

  has_many :collaborators, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :used_items, dependent: :destroy
  has_many :reports, dependent: :destroy

  # has_many :items_used, dependent: :destroy, through: :project_items, source: :used_items

  accepts_nested_attributes_for :project_items, allow_destroy: true
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :project_workers, allow_destroy: true
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :project_equipments, allow_destroy: true
  accepts_nested_attributes_for :collaborators

您的 link_to 设置为 remote: true。这意味着 link 是通过 ajax 调用提交的,因此重定向发生在该调用的上下文中。

您需要删除 remote: true 或创建一个 delete.js.erb 视图和 return 从您的 delete 操作重定向到的路径。在视图中,您可以将 window.location 设置为此新路径。