为什么我们主要使用 LocalDB 而不是 SQL Server?
Why do we use mostly LocalDB instead of SQL Server?
我对 localDB 和 SQL 服务器感到困惑。使用 LocalDB 和 SQL Server 之间的实际区别是什么?还有,推荐哪一个?
LocalDB 是 SQL Server Express 数据库引擎的轻量级版本,用于程序开发。 LocalDB 按需启动 并在用户模式下运行,因此没有复杂的配置或安装完整的数据库引擎。
来自Introducing LocalDB, an improved SQL Express:
LocalDB is created specifically for developers. It is very easy to install and requires no management, yet it offers the same T-SQL language, programming surface and client-side providers as the regular SQL Server Express. In effect the developers that target SQL Server no longer have to install and manage a full instance of SQL Server Express on their laptops and other development machines.
我对 localDB 和 SQL 服务器感到困惑。使用 LocalDB 和 SQL Server 之间的实际区别是什么?还有,推荐哪一个?
LocalDB 是 SQL Server Express 数据库引擎的轻量级版本,用于程序开发。 LocalDB 按需启动 并在用户模式下运行,因此没有复杂的配置或安装完整的数据库引擎。
来自Introducing LocalDB, an improved SQL Express:
LocalDB is created specifically for developers. It is very easy to install and requires no management, yet it offers the same T-SQL language, programming surface and client-side providers as the regular SQL Server Express. In effect the developers that target SQL Server no longer have to install and manage a full instance of SQL Server Express on their laptops and other development machines.