将两个更新查询合并为一个案例 MySQL

Combine two update queries into single case MySQL


update product_varities pv
set pv.quantity = pv.quantity + iquantity
where pv.article_id = iarticleid
AND pv.size_category_id = isize;

update product_varities pv
set pv.status = (case when pv.quantity > 0 then 1 else 0 end)
WHERE pv.article_id = iarticleid and pv.size_category_id = isize;


update product_varities pv set pv.quantity = 
(CASE WHEN pv.quantity >=0 THEN pv.quantity = pv.quantity + iquantity END),
pv.status = 
(CASE WHEN pv.quantity > 0 THEN  1 else 0 END)
     where pv.article_id = iarticleid and pv.size_category_id = isize;


0 row(s) affected Rows Matched: 1 Changed 0 



update product_varities pv
set pv.quantity = pv.quantity + iquantity, 
    pv.status = case when pv.quantity > 0 then 1 else 0 end
where pv.article_id = iarticleid
    and pv.size_category_id = isize;

显然 mysql 允许您将字段的值更新为表达式的结果。这似乎是你在做什么。

这种方式是将字段的值更新为计算 pv.quantity + iquantity