在 C# 中使用图片代替矩形

Usage of a Picture instead of Rectangle Shape in C#

背景:我目前正忙于根据位置 (X,Y) 和方向(用于旋转)在 Zoomable Canvas 上显示车辆的位置。我使用 Rectangle 来可视化车辆。一切正常,但我有点贪心,现在我想用车辆的顶视图图片替换矩形,所以看起来车辆本身正在移动而不是矩形。


private void PaintLocationVehicle(VehicleClass vc)

    IEnumerable<Rectangle> collection = vc.ZoomableCanvas.Children.OfType<Rectangle>().Where(x => x.Name == _vehicleobjectname);
    List<Rectangle> listE = collection.ToList<Rectangle>();
    for (int e = 0; e < listE.Count; e++)

    // Assign X and Y Position from Vehicle
    double drawingX = vc.gCurrentX * GlobalVar.DrawingQ;
    double drawingY = vc.gCurrentY * GlobalVar.DrawingQ;
    // Scale Length and Width of Vehicle
    double tractorWidthScaled = vc.tractorWidth * GlobalVar.DrawingQ;
    double tractorLengthScaled = vc.tractorLength * GlobalVar.DrawingQ;
    // Get Drawing Location
    double _locationX = drawingX - (tractorLengthScaled / 2);
    double _locationY = drawingY - ((tractorWidthScaled  / 2));
    RotateTransform rotation = new RotateTransform();
    // Angle in 10th of a Degree
    rotation.Angle = vc.gCurrentTheeta/10 ;
    double i = 0;
    //paint the node
    Rectangle _rectangle = new Rectangle();
    _rectangle.Stroke = new SolidColorBrush((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(vc.VehicleColor == "" ? "Black" : vc.VehicleColor));
        _rectangle.Fill = new SolidColorBrush((Color)ColorConverter.ConvertFromString(vc.VehicleColor == "" ? "Black" : vc.VehicleColor));
        i += 0;
    _rectangle.Width = tractorLengthScaled ;
    _rectangle.Height = tractorWidthScaled;
    rotation.CenterX = _rectangle.Width / 2;
    rotation.CenterY = _rectangle.Height / 2;
    _rectangle.RenderTransform = rotation;
    Canvas.SetTop(_rectangle, _locationY + i);
    Canvas.SetLeft(_rectangle, _locationX + i);
    _rectangle.SetValue(ZoomableCanvas.ZIndexProperty, 2);
    string _tooltipmsg = "Canvas: " + vc.ZoomableCanvas.Name;
    // Assign ToolTip Values for User
    _tooltipmsg += "\nX: " + vc.gCurrentX;
    _tooltipmsg += "\nY: " + vc.gCurrentY;
    _rectangle.ToolTip = _tooltipmsg;
    _rectangle.Name = _vehicleobjectname;
    //add to the canvas

注意:VehicleClass 包含特定车辆的所有值。 DrawingQ 保存从 Reality 到 Zoomable Canvas 的变换比例。 所以我预见的问题:

  1. 如何附加 Jpeg 文件的大小以获得与 矩形?
  2. 我应该使用什么样的 Shape 对象?请 建议。


ImageBrush and assign to the Rectangle Fill property


        Rectangle rect = new Rectangle();
        rect.Width = 100;
        rect.Height = 100;
        ImageBrush img = new ImageBrush();
        BitmapImage bmp = new BitmapImage();
        bmp.UriSource = new Uri("vehicle image path");
        img.ImageSource = bmp;
        rect.Fill = img;
