如何在 android canvas 上绘制部分圆形矩形?

How to draw a partial round rect on a android canvas?

我想在 canvas 上绘制一个 圆角矩形 填充颜色(或位图)和描边,但 没有选定的角 并且 在某些选定的边上没有边框 。有什么想法可以实现吗?


  1. 绘制填充区域

    当尝试绘制标准 sdk API 不支持的形状时,Canvas.drawPath 方法将是一个很好的方法 it.you 可以只定义四个变量来表示四个角的半径.

    Path path = new Path();
    Rect drawingRect = {the rect area you want to draw}
    RectF topLeftArcBound = new RectF();
    RectF topRightArcBound = new RectF();
    RectF bottomLeftArcBound = new RectF();
    RectF bottomRightArcBound = new RectF();
    topRightArcBound.set(drawingRect.right - topRightRadius * 2, drawingRect.top, drawingRect.right, drawingRect.top + topRightRadius * 2);
    bottomRightArcBound.set(drawingRect.right - bottomRightRadius * 2, drawingRect.bottom - bottomRightRadius * 2, drawingRect.right, drawingRect.bottom);
    bottomLeftArcBound.set(drawingRect.left, drawingRect.bottom - bottomLeftRadius * 2, drawingRect.left + bottomLeftRadius * 2, drawingRect.bottom);
    topLeftArcBound.set(drawingRect.left, drawingRect.top, drawingRect.left + topLeftRadius * 2, drawingRect.top + topLeftRadius * 2);
    path.moveTo(drawingRect.left + topLeftRadius, drawingRect.top);
    //draw top horizontal line
    path.lineTo(drawingRect.right - topRightRadius, drawingRect.top);
    //draw top-right corner
    path.arcTo(topRightArcBound, -90, 90);
    //draw right vertical line
    path.lineTo(drawingRect.right, drawingRect.bottom - bottomRightRadius);
    //draw bottom-right corner
    path.arcTo(bottomRightArcBound, 0, 90);
    //draw bottom horizontal line
    path.lineTo(drawingRect.left - bottomLeftRadius, drawingRect.bottom);
    //draw bottom-left corner
    path.arcTo(bottomLeftArcBound, 90, 90);
    //draw left vertical line
    path.lineTo(drawingRect.left, drawingRect.top + topLeftRadius);
    //draw top-left corner
    path.arcTo(topLeftArcBound, 180, 90);
    canvas.drawPath(path, paint);


  2. 绘制边框


    • 左上角
    • 顶行
    • 右上角
    • 右行
    • 右下角
    • 底线
    • 左下角
    • 左行

    使用 int 值来包含选定的部分是个好主意

    private static final int TOP_LEFT_CORNER = 0x1;
    private static final int TOP_LINE = 0x2;
    private static final int TOP_RIGHT_CORNER = 0x4;
    private static final int RIGHT_LINE = 0x8;
    private static final int BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER = 0x10;
    private static final int BOTTOM_LINE = 0x20;
    private static final int BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER = 0x40;
    private static final int LEFT_LINE = 0x80;
    private int selectedParts = TOP_LEFT_CORNER | TOP_LINE | TOP_RIGHT_CORNER;


    if((selectedParts & TOP_LINE) > 0){
        canvas.drawLine(drawingRect.left + topLeftRadius, drawingRect.top, drawingRect.right - topRightRadius, drawingRect.top);
    if((selectedParts & TOP_RIGHT_CORNER) > 0){
        canvas.drawArc(topRightArcBound, -90, 90, false, paint);
    if((selectedParts & RIGHT_LINE) > 0){
        canvas.drawLine(drawingRect.right, drawingRect.top + topRightRadius, drawingRect.right, drawingRect.bottom - bottomRightRadius, paint);
    if((selectedParts & BOTTOM_RIGHT_CORNER) > 0){
        canvas.drawArc(bottomRightArcBound, 0, 90, false, paint);
    if((selectedParts & BOTTOM_LINE) > 0){
        canvas.drawLine(drawingRect.right - bottomRightRadius, drawingRect.bottom. drawingRect.left + bottomLeftRadius, drawingRect.bottom, paint);
    if((selectedParts & BOTTOM_LEFT_CORNER) > 0){
        canvas.drawArc(bottomLeftArcBound, 90, 90, false, paint);
    if((selectedParts & LEFT_LINE) > 0){
        canvas.drawLine(drawingRect.left, drawingRect.bottom - bottomLeftRadius, drawingRect.left, drawingRect.top + topLeftRadius, paint);
    if((selectedParts & TOP_LEFT_CORNER) > 0){
        canvas.drawArc(topLeftArcBound, 180, 90, false, paint);