在 Coq 中打印现有的 setoids 和态射

Print existing setoids and morphisms in Coq

我正在使用 generalized rewriting features of Coq

我想打印 setoid_rewrite 当前可用的 setoids 和态射,以便更好地理解重写失败时缺少哪个关系或函数。有什么办法吗?

也许 Print Instances ... 可以提供帮助。

Require Import Setoid.
Print Instances Equivalence.
Print Instances Morphisms.Proper.

来自您提供的手册页 link。

27.2.3 Printing relations and morphisms

The Print Instances command can be used to show the list of currently registered Reflexive (using Print Instances Reflexive), Symmetric or Transitive relations, Equivalences, PreOrders, PERs, and Morphisms (implemented as Proper instances). When the rewriting tactics refuse to replace a term in a context because the latter is not a composition of morphisms, the Print Instances commands can be useful to understand what additional morphisms should be registered.