
Calculating aspect ratio of Perspective Transform destination image

我最近在 Android[= 的应用程序 OpenCV 中实现了 Perspective Transform 40=]。几乎所有的事情都没有问题,但有一方面需要做更多的工作。

问题是我不知道如何计算Perspective Transform目标图像的正确宽高比(不必手动设置),以便它可以计算图像的宽高比真实尺寸 thing/image 尽管相机的角度 。注意起始坐标不是梯形,是四边形

如果我有一张从大约 45 度角拍摄的书的照片,并且我希望目标图像的纵横比与这本书的纵横比几乎相同。 2D 照片很难做到,但 CamScanner 应用程序可以完美地做到这一点。我用非常简单的方法来计算目标图像的大小(没有期望它能按我的意愿工作),但它使 45 度角的图像缩短了约 20%,并且当降低角度时图像高度降低重要的是,尽管 CamScanner 完美地完成了角度:

这里,CamScanner 将目标图像(第二张)的纵横比保持为与书本相同的纵横比,即使在约 20 度角时也能相当准确。


public static Mat PerspectiveTransform(Point[] cropCoordinates, float ratioW, float ratioH, Bitmap croppedImage)
    if (cropCoordinates.length != 4) return null;

    double width1, width2, height1, height2, avgw, avgh;
    Mat src = new Mat();
    List<Point> startCoords = new ArrayList<>();
    List<Point> resultCoords = new ArrayList<>();

    Utils.bitmapToMat(croppedImage, src);

    for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
        if (cropCoordinates[i].y < 0 ) new Point(cropCoordinates[i].x, 0);
        startCoords.add(new Point(cropCoordinates[i].x * ratioW, cropCoordinates[i].y * ratioH));

    width1 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(startCoords.get(2).x - startCoords.get(3).x,2) + Math.pow(startCoords.get(2).y - startCoords.get(3).y,2));
    width2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(startCoords.get(1).x - startCoords.get(0).x,2) + Math.pow(startCoords.get(1).y - startCoords.get(0).y,2));
    height1 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(startCoords.get(1).x - startCoords.get(2).x, 2) + Math.pow(startCoords.get(1).y - startCoords.get(2).y, 2));
    height2 = Math.sqrt(Math.pow(startCoords.get(0).x - startCoords.get(3).x, 2) + Math.pow(startCoords.get(0).y - startCoords.get(3).y, 2));
    avgw = (width1 + width2) / 2;
    avgh = (height1 + height2) / 2;

    resultCoords.add(new Point(0, 0));
    resultCoords.add(new Point(avgw-1, 0));
    resultCoords.add(new Point(avgw-1, avgh-1));
    resultCoords.add(new Point(0, avgh-1));

    Mat start = Converters.vector_Point2f_to_Mat(startCoords);
    Mat result = Converters.vector_Point2d_to_Mat(resultCoords);
    start.convertTo(start, CvType.CV_32FC2);

    Mat mat = new Mat();
    Mat perspective = Imgproc.getPerspectiveTransform(start, result);
    Imgproc.warpPerspective(src, mat, perspective, new Size(avgw, avgh));

    return mat;


我想知道这是怎么做到的?我很感兴趣他们是如何通过坐标为 4 来计算物体的长度的角落。另外,如果可能的话,请提供一些代码/数学解释或similar/same东西的文章。


这个问题之前在 SO 上出现过几次,但我从来没有看到完整的答案,所以就这样吧。此处显示的实现基于本文,该论文导出了完整的方程式:http://research.microsoft.com/en-us/um/people/zhang/papers/tr03-39.pdf

本质上,它表明假设一个针孔相机模型,可以计算投影矩形的纵横比(但不是比例,这不足为奇)。本质上,可以解决焦距,然后得到纵横比。这是 python 中使用 OpenCV 的示例实现。请注意,您需要以正确的顺序检测到 4 个角,否则它将不起作用(注意顺序,它是一个锯齿形)。报告的错误率在 3-5% 的范围内。

import math
import cv2
import scipy.spatial.distance
import numpy as np

img = cv2.imread('img.png')
(rows,cols,_) = img.shape

#image center
u0 = (cols)/2.0
v0 = (rows)/2.0

#detected corners on the original image
p = []

#widths and heights of the projected image
w1 = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(p[0],p[1])
w2 = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(p[2],p[3])

h1 = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(p[0],p[2])
h2 = scipy.spatial.distance.euclidean(p[1],p[3])

w = max(w1,w2)
h = max(h1,h2)

#visible aspect ratio
ar_vis = float(w)/float(h)

#make numpy arrays and append 1 for linear algebra
m1 = np.array((p[0][0],p[0][1],1)).astype('float32')
m2 = np.array((p[1][0],p[1][1],1)).astype('float32')
m3 = np.array((p[2][0],p[2][1],1)).astype('float32')
m4 = np.array((p[3][0],p[3][1],1)).astype('float32')

#calculate the focal disrance
k2 = np.dot(np.cross(m1,m4),m3) / np.dot(np.cross(m2,m4),m3)
k3 = np.dot(np.cross(m1,m4),m2) / np.dot(np.cross(m3,m4),m2)

n2 = k2 * m2 - m1
n3 = k3 * m3 - m1

n21 = n2[0]
n22 = n2[1]
n23 = n2[2]

n31 = n3[0]
n32 = n3[1]
n33 = n3[2]

f = math.sqrt(np.abs( (1.0/(n23*n33)) * ((n21*n31 - (n21*n33 + n23*n31)*u0 + n23*n33*u0*u0) + (n22*n32 - (n22*n33+n23*n32)*v0 + n23*n33*v0*v0))))

A = np.array([[f,0,u0],[0,f,v0],[0,0,1]]).astype('float32')

At = np.transpose(A)
Ati = np.linalg.inv(At)
Ai = np.linalg.inv(A)

#calculate the real aspect ratio
ar_real = math.sqrt(np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(n2,Ati),Ai),n2)/np.dot(np.dot(np.dot(n3,Ati),Ai),n3))

if ar_real < ar_vis:
    W = int(w)
    H = int(W / ar_real)
    H = int(h)
    W = int(ar_real * H)

pts1 = np.array(p).astype('float32')
pts2 = np.float32([[0,0],[W,0],[0,H],[W,H]])

#project the image with the new w/h
M = cv2.getPerspectiveTransform(pts1,pts2)

dst = cv2.warpPerspective(img,M,(W,H))





感谢 y300 和这个 post 我在 Java 中实现了它。我会把它留在这里,以防有人遇到与我将其转换为 Java...

public float getRealAspectRatio(int imageWidth, int imageHeight) {

    double u0 = imageWidth/2;
    double v0 = imageHeight/2;
    double m1x = mTopLeft.x - u0;
    double m1y = mTopLeft.y - v0;
    double m2x = mTopRight.x - u0;
    double m2y = mTopRight.y - v0;
    double m3x = mBottomLeft.x - u0;
    double m3y = mBottomLeft.y - v0;
    double m4x = mBottomRight.x - u0;
    double m4y = mBottomRight.y - v0;

    double k2 = ((m1y - m4y)*m3x - (m1x - m4x)*m3y + m1x*m4y - m1y*m4x) /
            ((m2y - m4y)*m3x - (m2x - m4x)*m3y + m2x*m4y - m2y*m4x) ;

    double k3 = ((m1y - m4y)*m2x - (m1x - m4x)*m2y + m1x*m4y - m1y*m4x) /
            ((m3y - m4y)*m2x - (m3x - m4x)*m2y + m3x*m4y - m3y*m4x) ;

    double f_squared =
            -((k3*m3y - m1y)*(k2*m2y - m1y) + (k3*m3x - m1x)*(k2*m2x - m1x)) /
                    ((k3 - 1)*(k2 - 1)) ;

    double whRatio = Math.sqrt(
            (Math.pow((k2 - 1),2) + Math.pow((k2*m2y - m1y),2)/f_squared + Math.pow((k2*m2x - m1x),2)/f_squared) /
                    (Math.pow((k3 - 1),2) + Math.pow((k3*m3y - m1y),2)/f_squared + Math.pow((k3*m3x - m1x),2)/f_squared)
    ) ;

    if (k2==1 && k3==1 ) {
        whRatio = Math.sqrt(
                (Math.pow((m2y-m1y),2) + Math.pow((m2x-m1x),2)) /
                        (Math.pow((m3y-m1y),2) + Math.pow((m3x-m1x),2)));

    return (float)(whRatio);