如何区分 Clang AST 访问者中的函数定义和函数声明

How to distinguish function definitions and function declarations in Clang AST visitors

我使用 Clang libtooling 开发了一个 AST 访问器,我想区分函数原型和函数声明。我的 AST 访问者将这两种情况都视为函数声明。下面你可以看到我的访问函数声明的代码:

bool VisitFunctionDecl(FunctionDecl *func)
      if(astContext->getSourceManager().isInMainFile(func->getLocStart()) && func->hasBody()) //checks if the node is in the main (input) file.
           FullSourceLoc FullLocation = astContext->getFullLoc(func->getLocStart());
           string funcName = func->getNameInfo().getName().getAsString();
           string funcType = func->getResultType().getAsString();
           string srcFunc = filename + "_" + funcName;
           REPORT << "Function Declaration [" << FullLocation.getSpellingLineNumber() << "," << FullLocation.getSpellingColumnNumber() << "]: " <<  funcName << " of type " << funcType << "\n";
           if (append == 0 && numFunctions == 0)
              APIs << srcFunc <<":";
              APIs << "\n" << srcFunc <<":";
           APIs  <<funcType << ",";
       return true;

func->hasBody() 无法区分这两者。有什么想法吗??
