
how to show related product may customer interesting on shopping website

我是顾客,昨天我去亚马逊网站上看了一些书,但没有买。 this it book i look

今天我又去亚马逊了。我看到了相关的项目书页。related book

如何做到这一点,如果同时访问网站的人数达到 10000 人,服务器不会过载。


您可以利用"persistent cookies",在客户端记住您的用户偏好。

A persistent cookie, is a file that is stored on a user's hard drive. The cookie would remain on the hard drive until it reaches its expiration date. At this point the browser would purge the cookie from the hard drive.

有关持久性 cookie 的更多信息,请参阅此 link 或 google。 http://www.allaboutcookies.org/cookies/persistent-cookies-used-for.html


我建议最好的方法是在您的数据库中保留愿望清单等标志。如果同一用户从另一台电脑登录,cookie 将无法工作