为什么强制执行 Maybe monad?

Why is a Maybe monad enforced?

我正在尝试使用 Network.Linklater 包实现一个基本的 slackbot:



slashSimple :: (Command -> IO Text) -> Application
slashSimple f =
  slash (\command _ respond -> f command >>= (respond . responseOf status200))


kittensBot :: Command -> IO Text
kittensBot cmd = do
           putStrLn("+ Incoming command: " ++ show cmd)
           return "ok"

main :: IO ()
main = do
     putStrLn ("Listening on port: " ++ show port)
     run port (slashSimple kittensBot)
       port = 3001


    Couldn't match type ‘Maybe Command’ with ‘Command’
    Expected type: Maybe Command -> IO Text
      Actual type: Command -> IO Text
    In the first argument of ‘slashSimple’, namely ‘kittensBot’
    In the second argument of ‘run’, namely ‘(slashSimple kittensBot)’

然而slashSimple的签名是(Command -> IO Text) -> ApplicationkittensBot 的签名不应该满足吗?为什么不呢?

虽然 GitHub master 上 slashSimple 的定义如您所报告的那样,但 linklater- 中的 Hackage 版本是

slashSimple :: (Maybe Command -> IO Text) -> Application

如果您想在 Hackage 上使用该软件包,您需要将 kittensBot 更新为类似以下内容:

kittensBot :: Maybe Command -> IO Text
kittensBot Nothing = ...
kittensBot (Just cmd) = do
       putStrLn("+ Incoming command: " ++ show cmd)
       return "ok"

或者,您可以从 GitHub 下载软件包并手动安装。