如何在 UWP Webview 中使 html 的 <a> 标签可点击?

How to make <a> tag clickable of html in UWP Webview?

我在这里使用 Xaml 和 C#。我正在使用 webview 来显示一些 html,它工作完美,但我面临的问题是如何使标签可点击 Html 内容。


当我们点击WebView中的<a>标签时,WebView.NavigationStarting event will be triggered. And in this event, we can get a WebViewNavigationStartingEventArgs包含<a>标签中的URI。所以我认为您可以使用它来导航到您的作者个人资料详细信息页面。因为我不知道您的 <a> 标签是如何实现的。这里我只是用一个简单的demo来举例。


<WebView NavigationStarting="WebView_NavigationStarting" 
         Source="https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/2016/07/13/introducing-new-remote-sensing-features-2/" /> 


private void WebView_NavigationStarting(WebView sender, WebViewNavigationStartingEventArgs args)
    //Add some logic to determine if we need to navigate to AuthorProfileDetailPage
    //and which author's profile need to be shown
    if (args.Uri.AbsoluteUri == @"https://blogs.windows.com/buildingapps/author/windowsappsteam/")
        //Cancel the navigataion in WebView
        args.Cancel = true;
        //Navigate to AuthorProfileDetailPage with the parameter
        //in AuthorProfileDetailPage we can use this parameter to determine which author's profile need to be shown
        this.Frame.Navigate(typeof(AuthorProfileDetailPage), args.Uri.Segments.Last());
