React-Native:如何缩放字体大小以支持 Android 和 iOS 中的许多不同分辨率和屏幕?

React-Native: How to scale font size to support many different resolutions and screens in both Android and iOS?


目前我有一个名为 getCorrectFontSizeForScreen 的辅助函数。

export function getCorrectFontSizeForScreen(currentFontSize){

  const maxFontDifferFactor = 6; //the maximum pixels of font size we can go up or

  if(Platform.OS === 'ios'){    //iOS part
    let devRatio = PixelRatio.get();
    this.fontFactor = (((screenWidth*devRatio)/320)*0.55+((screenHeight*devRatio)/640)*0.45)
      return currentFontSize-float2int(maxFontDifferFactor*0.3);
    }else if((this.fontFactor>=1) && (this.fontFactor<=1.6)){
      return currentFontSize-float2int(maxFontDifferFactor*0.1);
    }else if((this.fontFactor>=1.6) && (this.fontFactor<=2)){
      return currentFontSize;
    }else if((this.fontFactor>=2) && (this.fontFactor<=3)){
      return currentFontSize+float2int(maxFontDifferFactor*0.85);
    }else if (this.fontFactor>=3){
      return currentFontSize+float2int(maxFontDifferFactor);
  }else{    //Android part

    let scale = screenWidth/375;  //got this from the f8 facebook project

    this.fontFactor = (((screenWidth)/320)*0.65+((screenHeight)/640)*0.35)

    if(this.fontFactor<=1){   //for 0.8 until 1.0 use 8 (800x600 phone this.fontFactor == 0.961)
      return float2int(scale * (currentFontSize+8));
    }else if((this.fontFactor>=1) && (this.fontFactor<=1.6)){ //for 1.0 until 1.5 use 4 (NEXUS 5 this.fontFactor == 1.055)
      return float2int(scale * (currentFontSize+4));
      return float2int(scale * (currentFontSize+2));

function float2int (value) {
  return value | 0; //Converts a float to an integer


const styles = StyleSheet.create({
    color: 'white',
    fontFamily: 'Whatever',
    fontSize: getCorrectFontSizeForScreen(14),

它似乎在 iOS 上运行良好,但在 Android 上运行不佳...我想我需要更多的 fontFactor 组来通过反复试验来形成此列表!

但是我想知道,有没有更好的方法来做到这一点? 其他人对此如何处理?


React Native 中的大小基于点而不是像素,因此您不需要如此复杂的逻辑来根据设备 dpi 更改字体大小。相反,如果您想撤消自动应用的缩放比例,您应该将像素大小除以像素比率。