FFmpeg iOS -> 输出文件无效

FFmpeg iOS -> output file is invalid

我正在使用以下库将 mkv 转换为 mp4:https://github.com/SterlingOnLoop/FFmpegWrapper

- (void)convertUsingFFmpegWrapper {
    NSString *mp4Extension = @"mp4";
    NSString *mkvExtension = @"mkv";

    NSString *videoName = @"file1";
//    NSString *videoName = @"file2";

    NSString *mkvVideoFilePath = [[NSBundle mainBundle] pathForResource:videoName ofType:mkvExtension];
    NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory, NSUserDomainMask, YES);
    NSString *documentsDirectory = paths[0];
    NSString *mp4VideoFilePath = [NSString stringWithFormat:@"%@/%@.%@", documentsDirectory, videoName, mp4Extension];

    FFmpegWrapper *ffmpegWrapper = [[FFmpegWrapper alloc] init];
    NSDictionary *options = @{kFFmpegInputFormatKey: mkvExtension, kFFmpegOutputFormatKey: mp4Extension};
    [ffmpegWrapper convertInputPath:mkvVideoFilePath outputPath:mp4VideoFilePath options:options progressBlock:nil completionBlock:^(BOOL success, NSError *error) {
        if (success && !error) {
            // delete mp4 file
        } else if (error) {
            NSLog(@"Error during .MKV -> .MP4 conversion occured: %@", error.localizedDescription);
        } else {
            NSLog(@"Unknown error during .MKV -> .MP4 conversion occured.");

以下是 LLDB 中有关自动检测到的编解码器类型的值:

(lldb) po inputStream.codecName

(lldb) po outputStream.codecName

我应该在这里提一下,最初文件是在 Linux 上使用以下编解码器生成的:vaapiencode_h264 用于视频,faac 用于声音。


[aac @ 0x7f7f65019200] Format aac detected only with low score of 1, misdetection possible!


int streamInfoValue = avformat_find_stream_info(inputFormatContext, NULL);


打开该行后,将生成 .mp4 文件。它持续 > 5 分钟,而输入文件长 11 秒。它无法在我的 mac 上使用 VLC 播放(似乎已损坏)。我收到以下错误(我粘贴了其中的一些,完整曲目可以找到 here,在这里引用它太长了):

[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] More than one AAC RDB per ADTS frame is not implemented. Update your FFmpeg version to the newest one from Git. If the problem still occurs, it means that your file has a feature which has not been implemented.
[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] channel element 0.0 is not allocated
[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] Sample rate index in program config element does not match the sample rate index configured by the container.
[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] Inconsistent channel configuration.
[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] get_buffer() failed
[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] channel element 3.10 is not allocated
[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] Reserved bit set.
[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] invalid band type
[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] Number of scalefactor bands in group (50) exceeds limit (41).
[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] Reserved bit set.
[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] Number of bands (7) exceeds limit (4).
[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] Reserved bit set.
[aac @ 0x7ff07c00b000] Dependent coupling is not supported together with LTP

知道如何简单地将 mkv 转换为 mp4 吗?我不知道为什么会发生错误。我声称该文件不是 aac,但 linux 使用此编码,因此它应该有效。


  • 没有音频比特率(即:应设置为 128kbps)
  • 元数据以某种方式将 AAC 版本列为 4(这到底是什么意思??)。
  • 编解码器 ID 应该是 40 但在 MKV 的元数据中它被列为 A_AAC/MPEG4/LC
  • 字节中没有通道位置标志(即:Front L+R)

无论如何 ffmpeg(命令行)转换您的 MKV 没有任何错误。
让我知道这个新的 re-encoded MP4 版本是否适合您.

ffmpeg 设置很简单:ffmpeg -i mkv_demo.mkv -c:v copy demo_new.mp4

很遗憾,我不会在 iOS 中编写代码,因此无法向您展示 "fixed" 代码。也许以后有人可以提供帮助。查看其他 Answer 以获得额外提示(使其像上面显示的命令行片段一样工作)...