
Aggregating connected sets of nodes / edges


CREATE TABLE network (
  node integer PRIMARY KEY,
  parent integer REFERENCES network(node),
  length numeric NOT NULL
CREATE INDEX ON network (parent);
INSERT INTO network (node, parent, length) VALUES
  (1, NULL, 1.3),
  (2, 1, 1.2),
  (3, 2, 0.9),
  (4, 3, 1.4),
  (5, 4, 1.6),
  (6, 2, 1.5),
  (7, NULL, 1.0);

在视觉上,可以识别出两组边。如何使用 PostgreSQL 9.1 识别这两个组,并将 length 求和?预期结果显示:

 edges_in_group | total_edges | total_length
 {1,2,3,4,5,6}  |           6 |          7.9
 {7}            |           1 |          1.0
(2 rows)

我什至不知道从哪里开始。我需要自定义聚合或 window 函数吗?我可以使用 WITH RECURSIVE 来迭代收集连接的边吗?我的真实案例是一个包含 245,000 个边的流网络。我希望 edges_in_group 的最大数量少于 200,以及几百个聚合组(行)。


with recursive tree as (
  select node, parent, length, node as root_id
  from network
  where parent is null
  union all
  select c.node, c.parent, c.length, p.root_id
  from network c
    join tree p on p.node = c.parent
select root_id, array_agg(node) as edges_in_group, sum(length) as total_length
from tree
group by root_id;
