无法在 ec2 实例上安装 ezproxy

cannot install ezproxy on ec2 instance

无法在 ec2 实例上安装 ezproxy 似乎有问题,因为它有一个 public 和私有 ip。 我使用这种方法从 url 安装 https://www.oclc.org/support/services/ezproxy/documentation/download/install-linux.en.html 它在第 4 步和第 5 步失败 错误

Checking ability to directly connect to iptest.ezproxy.com
Attempting to contact iptest.ezproxy.com by name
Connection established, sending my IP address ( for testing
Waiting for response on port 0
The test results follow:

If you are using multiple IP interfaces on your system, some of
the information provided by this test may be inaccurate.

You claim to be ip-10-135-235-34.ec2.internal at address
To me, you appear to be
Since those don't match, there may be a proxy server between us.

I am now attempting to connect to your server to check for intervening
firewalls.  If there is a firewall, this may take a little while.

Trying ip-10-135-235-34.ec2.internal
Connection to ip-10-135-235-34.ec2.internal failed, trying
Connection to failed, trying
Connection to failed

I am unable to connect to you.  There may be a firewall between us.

Your system claims that its host name is ip-10-135-235-34.ec2.internal
That name failed to work, which may indicate a problem or may
have occurred if you have multiple IP addresses on this server. 是您的public ip 地址吗?如果是这样,EZProxy 应该能够连接。仔细检查您的 EC2 安全组以确保它允许 EZProxy 所需端口上的流量。

如果 不是您的 public IP 地址,您可能是通过 NAT 网关连接的。按照说明在 NAT 网关后面设置 EZProxy。