
What is wrong with my iterate function


package main

import (

type Node struct {
    Next  *Node
    Value int

func main() {
    //Load up 100 *Node in a linked list (albeit a simple one)
    head := &Node{Value: 0}
    current := head
    for i := 1; i < 100; i++ {
        current.Next = &Node{Value: i}
        current = current.Next
        fmt.Printf("current %p %+v\n", current, current)


//Iterate through the list starting at head. It never 
//advances past the first "Next", loops forever.
func iterate(head *Node) {
    for n := head.Next; n != nil; head = n {
        fmt.Printf("head %+v n %+v\n", head, n)
        time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)

iterate 的输出类似于:

head &{Next:0x20818c230 Value:0} n &{Next:0x20818c280 Value:1}
head &{Next:0x20818c280 Value:1} n &{Next:0x20818c280 Value:1}
head &{Next:0x20818c280 Value:1} n &{Next:0x20818c280 Value:1}
head &{Next:0x20818c280 Value:1} n &{Next:0x20818c280 Value:1}
head &{Next:0x20818c280 Value:1} n &{Next:0x20818c280 Value:1}

为了好玩,我尝试了另一个版本的迭代循环,它使用一个函数来获取 .Next。我的想法是,由于某种循环优化,可能 head.Next 总是指向我原来的头。这个理论似乎不正确。

func iterate(head *Node) {
    getNext := func (n *Node) *Node {
        return n.Next

    for n := getNext(head); n != nil; head = n {
        fmt.Printf("head %+v n %+v\n", head, n)
        time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)

天哪,我是不是没看到?我在循环体执行后将 head 设置为 n,它等于下一个节点。下一个 head.Next return 不应该是后续节点,直到我们到达一个 nil 节点并退出循环吗?



func iterate(head *Node) {
    for ; head != nil; head = head.Next {
        fmt.Printf("head %+v head.Next %+v\n", head, head.Next)

查看 For statement spec

  • 循环的 "init statement" 部分 (n := head.Next) 仅计算一次。
  • post语句不断将head重置为n的初始值(getNext(head))。


n := getNext(head) 放在 循环中应该会更好,如 working example:

for n := head; n != nil; head = n {
    fmt.Printf("head %+v n %+v\n", head, n)
    time.Sleep(time.Second * 1)
    n = head.Next

n := head.Next 只 运行 一次。

for ①; ②; ③ { ④ }

it 运行s ① - ②④③ - ②④③ - ②④③ - ...
