我正在写一个名为 discount.java 的 class,我在处理数量和价格的负值时遇到问题

Im writing a class called discount.java and i am having issues processing negative values for quantity and price

正如我提到的,我正在编写一个名为 discount.java 和 TestDiscount.java 的 class;到目前为止一切正常,但当数量或价格和负值时,我在获取错误消息而不是实际值时遇到问题。这里有一些关于所需输出和我到目前为止所做的更多信息:


数量为:xx 单价为:$xx.xx 折扣为:$xx.xx

数量为:-xx 数量为负数。无法计算折扣

数量为:150 单价为:-$15.00 钱为负数,不能 计算折扣金额

    public class discount {

     int quantity;
     double price;
     public static int NINETY_NINE = 99;
     public static int TWENTY = 20;
     private static int TEN = 10, FORTY_NINE = 49;
     public static double TEN_PERCENT = 0.10, FIVE_PERCENT = 0.05, 
             TWO_PERCENT = 0.02, THREE_PERCENT = 0.03, ONE_PERCENT = 0.01 ;
     private double discount;
    // public static double discount_amount = discount * quantity * price;

    discount(int quantity, double price)
          double discount = 0;
         //double d = discount;
           this.quantity = quantity;
           this.price = price;
     boolean quantityOutOfRange()
        return quantity < 0;
     boolean priceOutOfRange()
         return price  <  0;
     public double getDiscount()
       return discount;

    public int getQuantity()
        return quantity;

    public double getUnitPrice()
        return price;

   public void calculate()
      if (quantity > NINETY_NINE)
         if (price > TWENTY)
                discount = TEN_PERCENT;

         else if ( price > TEN)
                 discount = FIVE_PERCENT;
                discount = TWO_PERCENT; 
     else if (quantity > FORTY_NINE)
    // calculate discount
         if (price > TWENTY)
                discount = THREE_PERCENT;
         else if ( price > TEN)
                 discount = TWO_PERCENT;
                discount = ONE_PERCENT; 
    // calculate discount
         if (price > TWENTY)
                discount = TWO_PERCENT;
         else if ( price > TEN)
                 discount = ONE_PERCENT;
                discount = 1;   
     if (quantity < 0)
            System.out.println("Quantity is negative. Cannot compute discount");
    //double discount_amount = discount * quantity * price;  



public class TestDiscount {

    public static void main(String[] arg) {

      String input = JOptionPane.showInputDialog("Enter the quantity desired "
                + ", and unit price "
                + "\n(Separated by spaces)");

        Scanner in = new Scanner(input);

        int quantity = in.nextInt();
        double price = in.nextDouble();

        discount current = new discount(quantity, price);
        System.out.println("The quantity is: " + current.getQuantity()+ "\tThe unit price is = $ " + current.getUnitPrice() + 
                "\tThe discount is = $ " + current.getQuantity()* current.getUnitPrice() * current.getDiscount());
        System.exit(0) ;

创建名为 like 的新方法

public boolean validated() {

  boolean ok = true;

  if (quantity < 0)
        System.out.println("Quantity is negative. Cannot compute 
        ok = false;

  if (price< 0)
        System.out.println("Price is negative. Cannot compute 
        ok = false;

   return ok;



discount current = new discount(quantity, price);
if (current.validated ()) {
   current.calculate ();


if (quantity < 0)
    System.out.println("error message");

if (price < 0)
    System.out.println("error message"); 