用字典替换字符串 c#

Replace String with Dictionary c#

我需要用字典中的相应值替换所有占位符,例如 {text}


var args = new Dictionary<string, string> {
   {"text1", "name"},
   {"text2", "Franco"}
saveText(Regex.Replace("Hi, my {text1} is {text2}.", @"\{(\w+)\}", m => args[m.Groups[1].Value]));

问题是:如果字典中不存在输入字符串中的文本,它会抛出异常,但我宁愿用字符串 "null".


只需扩展您的 lambda:

var args = new Dictionary<string, string> {
   {"text1", "name"},
   {"text2", "Franco"}

saveText(Regex.Replace("Hi, my {text1} is {text2}.", @"\{(\w+)\}", m => {
    string value;
    return args.TryGetValue(m.Groups[1].Value, out value) ? value : "null";

我会使用 LINQ 创建一个 Func<string, string> 一次性执行所有替换。


var replace = new Dictionary<string, string>
    { "text1", "name" },
    { "text2", "Franco" }
    .Select(kvp => (Func<string, string>)
        (x => x.Replace(String.Format("{{{0}}}", kvp.Key), kvp.Value)))
    .Aggregate<Func<string, string>, Func<string, string>>(
        x => Regex.Replace(x, @"\{(\w+)\}", "null"),
        (a, f) => x => a(f(x)));

var result = replace( "Hi, my {text1} is {text2} and {text3} and {text4}.");

// result == "Hi, my name is Franco and null and null."