AppCache - 明显错误 (4)

AppCache - manifest error (4)

我很难调试为什么 appcache 对我不起作用。最近 chrome 我遇到了以下错误:

 Creating Application Cache with manifest http://localhost/BEST/Home/Manifest
(index):1 Application Cache Checking event
(index):1 Application Cache Error event: Manifest fetch failed (4) http://localhost/BEST/Home/Manifest

更具体(来自 onerror 方法):

     ApplicationCacheErrorEvent {
    message: "Manifest fetch failed (4) http://localhost/BEST/Home/Manifest", 
    status: 4294967295, 
url: "http://localhost/BEST/Home/Manifest", 
reason: "manifest", 
clipboardData: undefined…}
bubbles: false
cancelBubble: false
cancelable: false
clipboardData: undefined
currentTarget: ApplicationCache
defaultPrevented: false
eventPhase: 0
message: "Manifest fetch failed (4) http://localhost/BEST/Home/Manifest"
path: NodeList[0]
reason: "manifest"
returnValue: true
srcElement: ApplicationCache
oncached: null
onchecking: null
ondownloading: null
onerror: function (a,b,c)
onnoupdate: null
onobsolete: null
onprogress: null
onupdateready: null
status: 0
__proto__: ApplicationCache
status: 4294967295
target: ApplicationCache
oncached: null
onchecking: null
ondownloading: null
onerror: function (a,b,c)
onnoupdate: null
onobsolete: null
onprogress: null
onupdateready: nullstatus: 0
__proto__: ApplicationCache
timeStamp: 1425021666357
type: "error"
url: "http://localhost/BEST/Home/Manifest"
__proto__: ApplicationCacheErrorEvent





甚至 manifesto 也没有帮助

清单文件由 ASP.NET MVC 操作提供,但我认为无关紧要。 以防万一代码:

public ActionResult Manifest()
            var text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("../a.appcache"));

            return new ContentResult()
                     ContentType = "text/cache-manifest",
                     Content = text,
                     ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8


在 Win 的 Safari 上我得到了

Application Cache manifest could not be fetched, because a redirection was attempted.

也许这里有问题? 这是我从附加到 chrome 的提琴手那里得到的:

我明白了,有一个 302,但这会是问题所在吗? 而且我不知道如何将它更改为 200。


我在 Manifest 操作中手动设置了状态代码,它开始工作了:

public ActionResult Manifest()
            var text = System.IO.File.ReadAllText(HttpContext.Server.MapPath("../BEST.appcache"));

            Response.StatusCode = 200;

            return new ContentResult()
                     ContentType = "text/cache-manifest",
                     Content = text,  
                     ContentEncoding = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8


  Application Cache Error event: Failed to parse manifest http://localhost/BEST/Home/Manifest
ApplicationCacheErrorEvent {
message: "Failed to parse manifest http://localhost/BEST/Home/Manifest", 
status: 0, 
url: "", 
reason: "signature", 
clipboardData: undefined…}
bubbles: false
cancelBubble: false
cancelable: false
clipboardData: undefined
currentTarget: ApplicationCache
defaultPrevented: false
eventPhase: 0
message: "Failed to parse manifest http://localhost/BEST/Home/Manifest"
path: NodeList[0]
reason: "signature"
returnValue: true
srcElement: ApplicationCache
status: 0
target: ApplicationCache
timeStamp: 1425025030583
type: "error"
url: ""
__proto__: ApplicationCacheErrorEvent
