C# 字典 - 在 Unity / Kinect 项目中通过枚举键访问值

C# Dictionary - Access Value by Enum Key in Unity / Kinect Project


RootSystem.Collections.Generic.Dictionary<Microsoft.Kinect.Face.FaceProperty, Windows.Kinect.DetectionResult> FaceProperties

在 Unity 中使用 Kinect 插件。

因此,FaceProperty 和 DetectionResult 是枚举:

public enum FaceProperty : int
    Happy                                    =0,
    Engaged                                  =1,
    WearingGlasses                           =2,
    LeftEyeClosed                            =3,
    RightEyeClosed                           =4,
    MouthOpen                                =5,
    MouthMoved                               =6,
    LookingAway                              =7,

public enum DetectionResult : int
    Unknown                                  =0,
    No                                       =1,
    Maybe                                    =2,
    Yes                                      =3,

然后在调试模式下,我试图访问 FaceProperties:

FaceProperties                        // Count = 8
FaceProperties[0]                     // Incorrect types or number of arguments
FaceProperties[FaceProperty.Happy]    // The name 'FaceProperties[global::Microsoft.Kinect.Face.FaceProperty.Happy]' 
                                      // does not exist in the current context. 

你有什么想法我怎么可能访问字典 FaceProperties 的值?

提前致谢, bertiooo


using Microsoft.Kinect.Face;