使用 Mocha 测试 NightmareJS 代码失败

Testing NightmareJS code with Mocha fails

最近我开始学习 NodeJS,我写了一个简单的 Youtube 爬虫,它使用 NightmareJS 和 returns 每个视频的点赞数、观看次数、作者和标题名称 URL。

现在我正在尝试使用 Mocha 对我的代码进行单元测试(练习一些 unit-testing),但由于某种原因失败并出现以下错误:

Error: timeout of 2000ms exceeded. Ensure the done() callback is being called in this test.

我试过增加超时(最多 15 秒)但没有帮助,我猜它挂在某处。我错过了什么?我也很高兴听到一些关于代码结构和实现的建设性批评。


var Nightmare = require('nightmare');
var expect = require('chai').expect;
var assert = require('chai').assert;
youtube_url = 'https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=0_oPsFTyhjY';

describe('test youtube video url results', function() {
    it('should return the actual video url/title/author name/num of likes and views', function(done) {
        var nightmare = Nightmare({ show: false, gotoTimeout: 3000 })
            .evaluate(function (youtube_url) {
                var authorSelector = '#watch7-user-header > div > a';
                var titleSelector  = '#eow-title';
                var vcountSelector = '#watch7-views-info > div.watch-view-count';
                var lcountSelector = '#watch8-sentiment-actions > span > span:nth-child(1) > button > span';
                var authorElement = document.querySelector(authorSelector);
                var titleElement  = document.querySelector(titleSelector);
                var vcountElement = document.querySelector(vcountSelector);
                var lcountElement = document.querySelector(lcountSelector);

                var JSONres = {'VIDEO URL':url, 'VIDEO TITLE': titleElement.innerText,'AUTHOR NAME': authorElement.innerText,  
                'NUMBER OF VIEWS': vcountElement.innerText, 'NUMBER OF LIKES': lcountElement.innerText};

                return (JSONres)
            .then(function (result) {
                    expect(result['VIDEO URL']).to.equal(youtube_url);
                    expect(result['VIDEO TITLE']).to.equal('The Best Mouse in the World?');
                    expect(result['AUTHOR NAME']).to.equal('Unbox Therapy');
                    assert.isAtLeast(result['NUMBER OF VIEWS'], 1816808, 'The number of views is at least the number of views that has been already seen');
                    // It's possible to remove your like from the video so hypothetically many users may remove their likes thus there is no upper/lower
                    // bound on the like amount a video can have at any time except that it must be non-negative.
                    assert.isAtLeast(result['NUMBER OF LIKES'], 0, 'The number of likes is at least a non-negative number');


意外地将超时提高到 20 秒 [with this.timeout(20000);] 刚刚解决了问题(出于某种原因),尽管测试实际上从未超过 [=13] =]6秒。

您可能想使用 this.timeout(0);禁用超时