如何在 python 中合并两个或三个 3D 数组?

How to merge two or three 3D arrays in python?

我有 hdf 格式的时间序列数据。我使用下面的代码从 hdf 文件中读取数据。现在,我尝试根据具有相同 jdn(儒略日数)的数据的纬度和经度来加入数据。具有相同儒略日数的数据代表连续的空间数据

import glob
import numpy as np
import os
from pyhdf.SD import SD,SDC

files = glob.glob('MOD04*')
for f in files:
    product = f[0:5]+ '-Atmospheric Product'
    year = f[10:14]
    jdn = f[14:17] # julian day number

    # Read dataset.
    hdf = SD(f, SDC.READ)
    data3D = hdf.select('Deep_Blue_Aerosol_Optical_Depth_550_Land')
    data = data3D[:,:].astype(np.double)

    # Read geolocation dataset 
    lat = hdf.select('Latitude')
    latitude = lat[:,:]
    lon = hdf.select('Longitude')
    longitude = lon[:,:]


Numpy 的 hstack, vstack, or dstack(取决于您想要连接数组的轴)将连接多维数组。

请注意,特别是对于 MODIS 气溶胶数据,使用 hstack 连接数组偶尔会引发错误,因为有时数组为 203 x 135,有时为 204 x 135,因此水平维度并不总是匹配


import glob
import numpy as np
import os
from pyhdf.SD import SD,SDC

files = glob.glob('MOD04*')
for n, f in enumerate(files):
    product = f[0:5]+ '-Atmospheric Product'
    year = f[10:14]
    jdn = f[14:17] # julian day number

    # Read dataset.
    hdf = SD(f, SDC.READ)
    data3D = hdf.select('Deep_Blue_Aerosol_Optical_Depth_550_Land')
    data = data3D[:,:].astype(np.double)

   # Read geolocation dataset 
    lat = hdf.select('Latitude')
    latitude = lat[:,:]
    lon = hdf.select('Longitude')
    longitude = lon[:,:]

    if n != 0 and jdn != old_jdn:
        #do analysis; write to file for later analysis; etc.

    if n == 0 or jdn != old_jdn:
        data_timeseries = data
        latitude_timeseries = latitude
        longitude_timeseries = longitude
        data_timeseries = np.vstack((data_timeseries, data))
        latitude_timeseries = np.vstack((latitude_timeseries, latitude))
        longitude_timeseries = np.vstack((longitude_timeseries, longitude))

    print data_timeseries.shape
    print latitude_timeseries.shape
    print longitude_timeseries.shape

    old_jdn = jdn

只是为了跟进 Heather QC 的回答,这里是 np.stack 函数和相关维度的说明:

arr1 = np.array([[[1,2],[2,3]],

arr2 = np.array([[[5,6],[8,7]],

print("arr1 shape  ", arr1.shape)    
print("arr2 shape  ", arr2.shape)    
print("vstack shape", np.vstack((arr1, arr2)).shape)
print("hstack shape", np.hstack((arr1, arr2)).shape)
print("dstack shape", np.dstack((arr1, arr2)).shape)

>>> arr1 shape   (3, 2, 2)
>>> arr2 shape   (3, 2, 2)
>>> vstack shape (6, 2, 2)
>>> hstack shape (3, 4, 2)
>>> dstack shape (3, 2, 4)