使用 plotly 为 3D 曲面图创建自定义轴标签

Creating custom axis labels for a 3D surface graph using plotly

我正在按照他们的在线示例构建一个平面图 here. I haven't been able to find an example of a 3D surface with custom axis labels like they have here。我尝试在布局 object 上放置一个带有标题的 xaxis object,然后将其作为第三个参数传递给 Plotly.newPlot() 命令,但没有呈现任何内容。


var layout = {
    title: 'Surface Plot',
    xaxis: {
        title: 'This is a test'
Plotly.newPlot('someDiv', data, layout);

据我所知,d-roy 昨天在他的评论中告诉了你全部真相:

var layout = {
  title: 'Mt Bruno Elevation',
  scene: {
    xaxis: {
      title: 'thisIsATest',
      titlefont: {
         color: 'red',
         family: 'Arial, Open Sans',
         size: 12

适合我。看: https://jsfiddle.net/27cfgLet/3/