检查是否有一个数组的大小为 k 的子集具有 n 的和倍数
Checking whether there is a subset of size k of an array which has a sum multiple of n
晚上好,我在 java 中有一个数组,其中包含 n
个整数。我想检查是否有满足条件的条目的大小为 k 的子集:
这些 k 个条目的总和是 m 的倍数。
我怎样才能尽可能高效地做到这一点?我需要检查 n!/k!(n-k)!
你可以使用动态规划。状态是(前缀长度,求和模 m,子集中的元素数)。转换很明显:我们要么再添加一个数字(增加子集中的元素数量并计算新的求和模 m),要么只增加前缀长度(不添加当前数字)。如果你只需要一个 yes/no 答案,你可以只存储最后一层值并应用位优化来更快地计算转换。时间复杂度为 O(n * m * k),或大约 n * m * k / 64 位优化操作。 space 复杂度为 O(m * k)。对于几千个元素,它看起来是可行的。通过位优化,我的意思是使用像 C++ 中的 bitset 这样的东西,它可以使用按位运算同时对一组位执行操作。
public boolean containsSubset( int[] a , int currentIndex, int currentSum, int depth, int divsor, int maxDepth){
//you could make a, maxDepth, and divisor static as well
//If maxDepthis equal to depth, then our subset has k elements, in addition the sum of
//elements must be divisible by out divsor, m
//If this condition is satisafied, then there exists a subset of size k whose sum is divisible by m
return true;
//If the depth is greater than or equal maxDepth, our subset has more than k elements, thus
//adding more elements can not satisfy the necessary conditions
//additionally we know that if it contains k elements and is divisible by m, it would've satisafied the above condition.
return false;
//boolean to be returned, initialized to false because we have not found any sets yet
boolean ret = false;
//iterate through all remaining elements of our array
for (int i = currentIndex+1; i < a.length; i++){
//this may be an optimization or this line
//for (int i = currentIndex+1; i < a.length-maxDepth+depth; i++){
//by recursing, we add a[i] to our set we then use an or operation on all our subsets that could
//be constructed from the numbers we have so far so that if any of them satisfy our condition (return true)
//then the value of the variable ret will be true
ret |= containsSubset(a,i,currentSum+a[i],depth+1,divisor, maxDepth);
} //end for
//return the variable storing whether any sets of numbers that could be constructed from the numbers so far.
return ret;
//this invokes our method with "no numbers added to our subset so far" so it will try adding
// all combinations of other elements to determine if the condition is satisfied.
boolean answer = containsSubset(myArray,-1,0,0,m,k);
您可以通过对所有内容取模 (%) m 并删除重复项来优化它。对于 n and/or k 值较大但 m 值较小的示例,这可能是一个相当大的优化。
编辑 2:
- 迭代
的所有 multiple
,其中 lower_bound * k < multiple < upper_bound * k
- 使用动态编程检查数组中是否存在总和为
的子集(参见 Subset Sum problem)。
复杂度为 O(k^2 * (lower_bound + upper_bound)^2)
否则你可以找到大小为 k
的所有子集。复杂度为 O(n!)
function find_subsets(array, k, index, current_subset):
if current_subset.size = k:
add current_subset to your solutions list
if index = array.size:
number := array[index]
add number to current_subset
find_subsets(array, k, index + 1, current_subset)
remove number from current_subset
find_subsets(array, k, index + 1, current_subset)
晚上好,我在 java 中有一个数组,其中包含 n
个整数。我想检查是否有满足条件的条目的大小为 k 的子集:
这些 k 个条目的总和是 m 的倍数。
我怎样才能尽可能高效地做到这一点?我需要检查 n!/k!(n-k)!
你可以使用动态规划。状态是(前缀长度,求和模 m,子集中的元素数)。转换很明显:我们要么再添加一个数字(增加子集中的元素数量并计算新的求和模 m),要么只增加前缀长度(不添加当前数字)。如果你只需要一个 yes/no 答案,你可以只存储最后一层值并应用位优化来更快地计算转换。时间复杂度为 O(n * m * k),或大约 n * m * k / 64 位优化操作。 space 复杂度为 O(m * k)。对于几千个元素,它看起来是可行的。通过位优化,我的意思是使用像 C++ 中的 bitset 这样的东西,它可以使用按位运算同时对一组位执行操作。
public boolean containsSubset( int[] a , int currentIndex, int currentSum, int depth, int divsor, int maxDepth){
//you could make a, maxDepth, and divisor static as well
//If maxDepthis equal to depth, then our subset has k elements, in addition the sum of
//elements must be divisible by out divsor, m
//If this condition is satisafied, then there exists a subset of size k whose sum is divisible by m
return true;
//If the depth is greater than or equal maxDepth, our subset has more than k elements, thus
//adding more elements can not satisfy the necessary conditions
//additionally we know that if it contains k elements and is divisible by m, it would've satisafied the above condition.
return false;
//boolean to be returned, initialized to false because we have not found any sets yet
boolean ret = false;
//iterate through all remaining elements of our array
for (int i = currentIndex+1; i < a.length; i++){
//this may be an optimization or this line
//for (int i = currentIndex+1; i < a.length-maxDepth+depth; i++){
//by recursing, we add a[i] to our set we then use an or operation on all our subsets that could
//be constructed from the numbers we have so far so that if any of them satisfy our condition (return true)
//then the value of the variable ret will be true
ret |= containsSubset(a,i,currentSum+a[i],depth+1,divisor, maxDepth);
} //end for
//return the variable storing whether any sets of numbers that could be constructed from the numbers so far.
return ret;
//this invokes our method with "no numbers added to our subset so far" so it will try adding
// all combinations of other elements to determine if the condition is satisfied.
boolean answer = containsSubset(myArray,-1,0,0,m,k);
您可以通过对所有内容取模 (%) m 并删除重复项来优化它。对于 n and/or k 值较大但 m 值较小的示例,这可能是一个相当大的优化。
编辑 2:
- 迭代
,其中lower_bound * k < multiple < upper_bound * k
- 使用动态编程检查数组中是否存在总和为
的子集(参见 Subset Sum problem)。
复杂度为 O(k^2 * (lower_bound + upper_bound)^2)
否则你可以找到大小为 k
的所有子集。复杂度为 O(n!)
function find_subsets(array, k, index, current_subset):
if current_subset.size = k:
add current_subset to your solutions list
if index = array.size:
number := array[index]
add number to current_subset
find_subsets(array, k, index + 1, current_subset)
remove number from current_subset
find_subsets(array, k, index + 1, current_subset)