Hadoop HA QJM 和 NFS 的优缺点是什么?

What are the pros and cons of Hadoop HA QJM and NFS?

Hadoop High Availability需要使用QJM或者NFS有什么规定吗?


来自 Apache 文档页面:

In order for the Standby node to keep its state synchronized with the Active node, the current implementation requires that the two nodes both have access to a directory on a shared storage device (eg an NFS mount from a NAS). This restriction will likely be relaxed in future.

如果 NFS 安装已关闭或出现一些问题,则无法实现高可用性。

在 QJM 中,编辑被写入多个日志节点,与 NFS 选项相比,失败的可能性较小。

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