Unicode 的位串

String of bits to Unicode

我有一串比特,像这样string str = "0111001101101000"是字母"sh"。
我需要用它来制作 Unicode 字母。我正在做以下事情:

BitArray bn = new BitArray(str.Length); //creating new bitarray
for (int kat = 0; kat < str.Length; kat++)
    if (str[kat].ToString() == "0")//adding boolean values into array
        bn[kat] = false;
        bn[kat] = true;

byte[] bytes = new byte[bn.Length];//converting to bytes
bn.CopyTo(bytes, 0);
string output = Encoding.Unicode.GetString(bytes); //encoding                          

textBox2.Text = output; // result in textbox



  1. 首先BitArray会颠倒位序——这样更容易使用 Convert.ToByte

  2. 您的输入字符串包含两个字节(一个 每个字符),但你正在使用 Encoding.Unicode 对其进行解码,这 是UTF16编码(每个字符两个字节),需要使用Encoding.UTF8


string str = "0111001101101000";

int numOfBytes = str.Length / 8;
byte[] bytes = new byte[numOfBytes];
for (int i = 0; i < numOfBytes; ++i)
    bytes[i] = Convert.ToByte(str.Substring(8 * i, 8), 2);

string output = Encoding.UTF8.GetString(bytes);     

A) 你的字符串是 ASCII,不是 UNICODE:每个字符 8 位

B) 每个字节的最高有效位在左边,所以 bn[...]


C) 注释部分无用,因为 "false" 是 BitArray


D) 字节数组的长度错误。 8 位 == 1 字节! :-)

string str = "0111001101101000";

BitArray bn = new BitArray(str.Length); //creating new bitarray

for (int kat = 0; kat < str.Length; kat++) {
    if (str[kat] == '0')//adding boolean values into array
        //bn[(kat / 8 * 8) + 7 - (kat % 8)] = false;
    } else {
        bn[(kat / 8 * 8) + 7 - (kat % 8)] = true;

// 8 bits in a byte
byte[] bytes = new byte[bn.Length / 8];//converting to bytes
bn.CopyTo(bytes, 0);

string output = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes); //encoding    


string str = "0111001101101000";

byte[] bytes = new byte[str.Length / 8];

for (int ix = 0, weight = 128, ix2 = 0; ix < str.Length; ix++) {
    if (str[ix] == '1') {
        bytes[ix2] += (byte)weight;

    weight /= 2;

    // Every 8 bits we "reset" the weight 
    // and increment the ix2
    if (weight == 0) {
        weight = 128;

string output = Encoding.ASCII.GetString(bytes); //encoding