
Throttle amount of promises open at a given time

以下 TypeScript 一次执行对 doSomething(action) 的每个调用。 (这意味着列表中的第二项在第一项完成之前不会进行调用)。

async performActionsOneAtATime() {
    for (let action of listOfActions) {
        const actionResult = await doSomethingOnServer(action);
        console.log(`Action Done: ${actionResult}`);


async performActionsInParallel() {
    for (let action of listOfActions) {
        const actionResultPromise = doSomething(action);
        actionResultPromise.then((actionResult) => {
            console.log(`Action Done: ${actionResult}`);

但我真正需要的是一种抑制它们的方法。一次可能有 10 或 20 个呼叫打开。 (一次一个太慢了,但是全部 600 个会使服务器过载。)


关于如何限制一次打开 X 的调用次数有什么建议吗?

(此问题使用 TypeScript,但我可以使用 ES6 JavaScript 答案。)

您可以使用发布-订阅模式来执行此操作。我也不熟悉 typescipt,我不知道这是在浏览器中还是在后端发生的。我将为此编写伪代码(假设它是后端):

//I'm assuming required packages are included e.g. events = require("events");
let limit = 10;
let emitter = new events.EventEmitter();

for(let i=0; i<limit; i++){

function fetchNext(action){
    const actionResultPromise = doSomething(action);
    actionResultPromise.then((actionResult) => {
        console.log(`Action Done: ${actionResult}`);
        emitter.emit('grabTheNextOne', listOfActions.pop());

emitter.on('grabTheNextOne', fetchNext);

如果您在 Node 中工作,EventEmitter 是 NodeJS 的一部分。如果在浏览器中,您可以使用普通事件模型。这里的关键思想是发布-订阅模式。

没有为此内置的任何东西,因此您必须自己构建。 AFAIK,目前还没有这方面的图书馆。

首先,从 "deferral" 开始——一个允许外部代码解析它的承诺:

class Deferral<T> {
    constructor() {
        this.promise = new Promise<T>((resolve, reject) => {
            this.resolve = resolve;
            this.reject = reject;

    promise: Promise<T>;
    resolve: (thenableOrResult?: T | PromiseLike<T>) => void;
    reject: (error: any) => void;

那么可以定义一个"wait queue",代表所有等待进入临界区的代码块:

class WaitQueue<T> {
    private deferrals: Deferral<T>[];

    constructor() {
        this.deferrals = [];

    get isEmpty(): boolean {
        return this.deferrals.length === 0;

    enqueue(): Promise<T> {
        const deferral = new Deferral<T>();
        return deferral.promise;

    dequeue(result?: T) {
        const deferral = this.deferrals.shift();


export class AsyncSemaphore {
    private queue: WaitQueue<void>;
    private _count: number;

    constructor(count: number = 0) {
        this.queue = new WaitQueue<void>();
        this._count = count;

    get count(): number { return this._count; }

    waitAsync(): Promise<void> {
        if (this._count !== 0) {
            return Promise.resolve();
        return this.queue.enqueue();

    release(value: number = 1) {
        while (value !== 0 && !this.queue.isEmpty) {
        this._count += value;


async function performActionsInParallel() {
    const semaphore = new AsyncSemaphore(10);
    const listOfActions = [...];
    const promises = listOfActions.map(async (action) => {
        await semaphore.waitAsync();
        try {
            await doSomething(action);
        finally {
    const results = await Promise.all(promises);


警告:此代码 100% 完全未经测试。我一次都没试过。

您可以在一个简短的函数中完成此操作。 (Returns 值按 naomik 的建议排序。谢谢!)

 * Performs a list of callable actions (promise factories) so
 * that only a limited number of promises are pending at any
 * given time.
 * @param listOfCallableActions An array of callable functions,
 *     which should return promises.
 * @param limit The maximum number of promises to have pending
 *     at once.
 * @returns A Promise that resolves to the full list of values
 *     when everything is done.
function throttleActions(listOfCallableActions, limit) {
  // We'll need to store which is the next promise in the list.
  let i = 0;
  let resultArray = new Array(listOfCallableActions.length);

  // Now define what happens when any of the actions completes.
  // Javascript is (mostly) single-threaded, so only one
  // completion handler will call at a given time. Because we
  // return doNextAction, the Promise chain continues as long as
  // there's an action left in the list.
  function doNextAction() {
    if (i < listOfCallableActions.length) {
      // Save the current value of i, so we can put the result
      // in the right place
      let actionIndex = i++;
      let nextAction = listOfCallableActions[actionIndex];
      return Promise.resolve(nextAction()).then(result => {
        // Save results to the correct array index.
        resultArray[actionIndex] = result;

  // Now start up the original <limit> number of promises.
  // i advances in calls to doNextAction.
  let listOfPromises = [];
  while (i < limit && i < listOfCallableActions.length) {
  return Promise.all(listOfPromises).then(() => resultArray);

// Test harness:

function delay(name, ms) {
  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => setTimeout(() => {
  }, ms));

var ps = [];
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  ps.push(() => delay("promise " + i, Math.random() * 3000));

throttleActions(ps, 3).then(result => console.log(result));


Jeff Bowman 大大改进了他解决有意义的值的答案。随意查看此答案的历史记录,以了解为什么已解析的值如此 important/useful.


此解决方案非常模仿本机 Promise.all


  • 尽快解决承诺
  • 按照与输入相同的顺序解析值数组
  • 一遇到拒绝就拒绝


  • number参数限制同时-运行ning Promises的数量
  • 数组输入接受 promise creators (thunks);不是实际的承诺

// throttlep :: Number -> [(* -> Promise)]
const throttlep = n=> Ps=>
  new Promise ((pass, fail)=> {
    // r is the number of promises, xs is final resolved value
    let r = Ps.length, xs = []
    // decrement r, save the resolved value in position i, run the next promise
    let next = i=> x=> (r--, xs[i] = x, run(Ps[n], n++))
    // if r is 0, we can resolve the final value xs, otherwise chain next
    let run = (P,i)=> r === 0 ? pass(xs) : P().then(next(i), fail)
    // initialize by running the first n promises

// -----------------------------------------------------
// make sure it works

// delay :: (String, Number) -> (* -> Promise)
const delay = (id, ms)=>
  new Promise (pass=> {
    console.log (`running: ${id}`)
    setTimeout(pass, ms, id)

// ps :: [(* -> Promise)]
let ps = new Array(10)
for (let i = 0; i < 10; i++) {
  ps[i] = () => delay(i, Math.random() * 3000)

// run a limit of 3 promises in parallel
// the first error will reject the entire pool
throttlep (3) (ps) .then (
  xs => console.log ('result:', xs),
  err=> console.log ('error:', err.message)



running: 0
running: 1
running: 2
=> Promise {}
running: 3
running: 4
running: 5
running: 6
running: 7
running: 8
running: 9
result: [ 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]


让我们看一个更实用的代码示例。此代码的任务是从服务器获取一组图像。这就是我们如何使用 throttlep 将同时请求的数量限制为一次 3

// getImage :: String -> Promise<base64>
let getImage = url=> makeRequest(url).then(data => data.base64, reqErrorHandler)

// actions :: [(* -> Promise<base64>)]
let actions = [
  ()=> getImage('one.jpg'),
  ()=> getImage('two.jpg'),
  ()=> getImage('three.jpg'),
  ()=> getImage('four.jpg'),
  ()=> getImage('five.jpg')

// throttle the actions then do something...
throttlep (3) (actions) .then(results => {
  // results are guaranteed to be ordered the same as the input array
  // [<base64>, <base64>, <base64>, <base64>, <base64>]

可以使用生成器限制 Promise。在下面的示例中,我们正在限制它们,以便

function asyncTask(duration = 1000) {
  return new Promise(resolve => {
    setTimeout(resolve, duration, duration)

async function main() {
  const items = Array(10).fill(() => asyncTask()) {
    const generator = batchThrottle(3, ...items)
    console.log('batch', (await generator.next()).value)
    for await (let result of generator) {
      console.log('remaining batch', result)

    const generator = streamThrottle(3, ...items)
    console.log('stream', await generator.next())
    for await (let result of generator) {
      console.log('remaining stream', result)


async function* batchThrottle(n = 5, ...items) {
  while (items.length) {
    const tasks = items.splice(0, n).map(fn => fn())
    yield Promise.all(tasks)

async function* streamThrottle(n = 5, ...items) {
  while (items.length) {
    const tasks = items.splice(0, n).map(fn => fn())
    yield* await Promise.all(tasks)

这是使用 async await 语法的节流函数的一个版本:

async function throttle(tasks, max) {
    async function run(_, i) {
        values[i] = await tasks[i]();
        if (max < tasks.length) return run(_, max++);
    const values = [];
    try {
        await Promise.all(tasks.slice(0, max).map(run));
    } catch (error) {
        max = tasks.length; // don't allow new tasks to start
        throw error;
    return values;

// Demo
const delay = ms => new Promise(resolve => setTimeout(resolve, ms));

const tasks = Array.from({length: 10}, (_, i) => 
    async () => {
        console.log(`task ${i} starts`);
        await delay((1 + i % 3)*1000);
        console.log(`task ${i} ends with ${i*10}`);
        return i*10;

throttle(tasks, 4).then(console.log);

这是我使用 TypeScript 的看法:

function ParallelMap<T, U>(array: U[], callbackFn: (element: U, index?: number, array?: U[]) => Promise<T>, maxDegreeOfParallelism: number = -1) {
    if (maxDegreeOfParallelism < -1 || maxDegreeOfParallelism == 0) return Promise.reject(`'maxDegreeOfParallelism' must be either -1 or greater than 0`);

    return new Promise<T[]>((resolve, reject) => {
        const inputArraySize = array.length;

        let indexTracker = 0;
        let completedTracker = 0;

        const output = new Array<T>(inputArraySize);
        const errors = new Array<{ index: number, error: any }>();

        const processNext = () => {
            const elementIndex = indexTracker++;
            const element = array[elementIndex];

            callbackFn(element, elementIndex, array).then(
                value => output[elementIndex] = value,
                reason => errors.push({ index: elementIndex, error: reason })
            ).finally(() => {

                if (completedTracker == inputArraySize) {
                    if (errors.length > 0) reject(errors);

                    else resolve(output);

                else if (indexTracker < inputArraySize) processNext();

        for (let index = 0, count = maxDegreeOfParallelism < 0 ? inputArraySize : Math.min(maxDegreeOfParallelism, inputArraySize); index < count; ++index) {


const maxDegreeOfParallelism = 3; // Number of concurrent tasks
const result = await ParallelMap(
    async (value, index, array) => { /* Do something */ }, // Some async function to process each element

与 JavaScript 相同:

function ParallelMap(array, callbackFn, maxDegreeOfParallelism = -1) {
  if (maxDegreeOfParallelism < -1 || maxDegreeOfParallelism == 0) return Promise.reject(`'maxDegreeOfParallelism' must be either -1 or greater than 0`);

  return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
    const inputArraySize = array.length;

    let indexTracker = 0;
    let completedTracker = 0;

    const output = new Array(inputArraySize);
    const errors = new Array();

    const processNext = () => {
      const elementIndex = indexTracker++;
      const element = array[elementIndex];

      callbackFn(element, elementIndex, array).then(
        value => output[elementIndex] = value,
        reason => errors.push({
          index: elementIndex,
          error: reason
      ).finally(() => {

        if (completedTracker == inputArraySize) {
          if (errors.length > 0) reject(errors);

          else resolve(output);
        } else if (indexTracker < inputArraySize) processNext();

    for (let index = 0, count = maxDegreeOfParallelism < 0 ? inputArraySize : Math.min(maxDegreeOfParallelism, inputArraySize); index < count; ++index) {

// Usage

(async() => {
  const input = new Array(10).fill(1); // Array containing 10 '1' values

  const oneSecondTask = (value, index) => {
    return new Promise(resolve => {
      setTimeout(() => {
        resolve(value + index); // Extremely complex calculation of adding index to value 1
      }, 1000);

  console.log(`const input = [${input.join(', ')}];`);
  console.log(`... wait for 10s ...`);

  let start = Date.now();
  let maxDegreeOfParallelism = 1;
  let result = await ParallelMap(input, oneSecondTask, maxDegreeOfParallelism);
  console.log(`const result = [${result.join(', ')}];`);
  console.log(`${(Date.now() - start) / 1000}s to process ${input.length} items (taking 1s each) one at a time`);


  start = Date.now();
  maxDegreeOfParallelism = 2;
  result = await ParallelMap(input, oneSecondTask, maxDegreeOfParallelism);
  console.log(`const result = [${result.join(', ')}];`);
  console.log(`${(Date.now() - start) / 1000}s to process ${input.length} items (taking 1s each) in parallel using ${maxDegreeOfParallelism} concurrent tasks`);


  start = Date.now();
  maxDegreeOfParallelism = 5;
  result = await ParallelMap(input, oneSecondTask, maxDegreeOfParallelism);
  console.log(`const result = [${result.join(', ')}];`);
  console.log(`${(Date.now() - start) / 1000}s to process ${input.length} items (taking 1s each) in parallel using ${maxDegreeOfParallelism} concurrent tasks`);


  start = Date.now();
  maxDegreeOfParallelism = 10;
  result = await ParallelMap(input, oneSecondTask, maxDegreeOfParallelism);
  console.log(`const result = [${result.join(', ')}];`);
  console.log(`${(Date.now() - start) / 1000}s to process ${input.length} items (taking 1s each) in parallel using ${maxDegreeOfParallelism} concurrent tasks`);