在 SlidesJS 中禁用 "wrap around"

Disable "wrap around" in SlidesJS

我正在使用 SlidesJS,这是一个非常可定制的幻灯片分页插件。


    width: 300,
    height: 300,
    navigation: false,             // It's for swiping in an iOS web app
    pagination: false,
    generatePagination: false

但是,我不想让幻灯片换行 "the other way around"。不知道有没有这个名词,所以画了这张图:

Green = Next
Blue = Previous

我想要的是禁用从 4 -> 11 -> 4 开始的滑动。我还没有为此找到内置功能或 属性。但是,是否有合理的解决方法?


最初重新创建的问题是 here

我的工作解决方案,如下所述,是 here

AND 我把它设为新的 option ==> looping (true/false) !!!
如果 looping 选项设置为 false... 它不会循环。

defaults = {
  width: 940,
  height: 528,
  start: 1,
  navigation: {
    active: true,
    effect: "slide"
  pagination: {
    active: true,
    effect: "slide"
  play: {
    active: false,
    effect: "slide",
    interval: 5000,
    auto: false,
    swap: true,
    pauseOnHover: false,
    restartDelay: 2500
  effect: {
    slide: {
      speed: 500
    fade: {
      speed: 300,
      crossfade: true
  callback: {
    loaded: function() {},
    start: function() {},
    complete: function() {}
  looping: false                    // Looping effect from last image to first and vice-versa

稍微修改 Plugin.prototype._slide 函数来实现这个。
我添加了一个基于 var 的新条件,我称之为 OK_Proceed.

此变量默认为 true
当尝试转到图像索引 -1data.total 时,它的值变为 false...但只有当循环选项设置为 false 时。


var OK_Proceed=true;                                // ADDED var
    console.log( this.options.looping );
    if (next === -1) {
      if( this.options.looping ){
        next = this.data.total - 1;
    if (next === this.data.total) {
      if( this.options.looping ){
          next = 0;

当这个 OK_Proceed 为 false 时:脚本完全绕过 animate 函数。
它被一个小的 10px "bounce" 效果所取代。

唯一剩下要做的就是重置 data.animating 值:

$.data(_this, "animating", false);


Plugin.prototype._slide = function(number) {            console.log("Line 430 - _slide: ");
  var $element, currentSlide, direction, duration, next, prefix, slidesControl, timing, transform, value,
    _this = this;
  $element = $(this.element);
  this.data = $.data(this);                             console.log( JSON.stringify( $.data(this) ) );
  if (!this.data.animating && number !== this.data.current + 1) {
    $.data(this, "animating", true);
    currentSlide = this.data.current;               console.log("Line 437 - currentSlide: "+currentSlide);
    if (number > -1) {
      number = number - 1;
      value = number > currentSlide ? 1 : -1;               console.log("Line 440 - value: "+value);
      direction = number > currentSlide ? -this.options.width : this.options.width;
      next = number;
    } else {
      value = this.data.direction === "next" ? 1 : -1;
      direction = this.data.direction === "next" ? -this.options.width : this.options.width;
      next = currentSlide + value;                  console.log("Line 446 - next: "+next);
    }   var OK_Proceed=true;                                // ADDED var
    console.log( this.options.looping );
    if (next === -1) {
      if( this.options.looping ){
        next = this.data.total - 1;
    if (next === this.data.total) {
      if( this.options.looping ){
          next = 0;
    if(OK_Proceed){this._setActive(next);                           // ADDED condition
    slidesControl = $(".slidesjs-control", $element);
    if (number > -1) {
      slidesControl.children(":not(:eq(" + currentSlide + "))").css({
        display: "none",
        left: 0,
        zIndex: 0
    slidesControl.children(":eq(" + next + ")").css({
      display: "block",
      left: value * this.options.width,
      zIndex: 10
    this.options.callback.start(currentSlide + 1);
    if (this.data.vendorPrefix) {
      prefix = this.data.vendorPrefix;
      transform = prefix + "Transform";
      duration = prefix + "TransitionDuration";
      timing = prefix + "TransitionTimingFunction";
      slidesControl[0].style[transform] = "translateX(" + direction + "px)";
      slidesControl[0].style[duration] = this.options.effect.slide.speed + "ms";
      return slidesControl.on("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend MSTransitionEnd", function() {
        slidesControl[0].style[transform] = "";
        slidesControl[0].style[duration] = "";
        slidesControl.children(":eq(" + next + ")").css({
          left: 0
        slidesControl.children(":eq(" + currentSlide + ")").css({
          display: "none",
          left: 0,
          zIndex: 0
        $.data(_this, "current", next);
        $.data(_this, "animating", false);
        slidesControl.unbind("transitionend webkitTransitionEnd oTransitionEnd otransitionend MSTransitionEnd");
        slidesControl.children(":not(:eq(" + next + "))").css({
          display: "none",
          left: 0,
          zIndex: 0
        if (_this.data.touch) {
        return _this.options.callback.complete(next + 1);
    } else {
      return slidesControl.stop().animate({
        left: direction
      }, this.options.effect.slide.speed, (function() {
          left: 0
        slidesControl.children(":eq(" + next + ")").css({
          left: 0
        return slidesControl.children(":eq(" + currentSlide + ")").css({
          display: "none",
          left: 0,
          zIndex: 0
        }, $.data(_this, "current", next), $.data(_this, "animating", false), _this.options.callback.complete(next + 1));
    } } else { 
    $.data(_this, "animating", false);
    console.log( JSON.stringify( $.data(this) ) );

    // Bouncing effect
    $(".slidesjs-control").stop().animate( { "left" : "-=10px" }, 100, "easeInOutBounce", function(){
        $(".slidesjs-control").animate( { "left" : "+=10px" }, 100, "easeInOutBounce");

     }                      // End added condition

我从所有 console.logs 中清除了这段代码并创建了一个 zip file ready to use.

为了使 "touch" 的行为与鼠标单击链接的行为相同,还需要修改另外两个函数...上面的 .zip 文件也反映了这些更改...



lastest demo is here。在支持触控的设备上试用。