在 from 子句中加入嵌套查询

join nested queries in from clause


select C.ID from 
(select A.ID from CUSTOMERS A inner join PROFILES B on A.ID=B.ID where CTR='67564' and CST_CD in 
('G','H')) as C 
inner join
(select ID from RELATION_CODES where R_CD='KC') as R
on C.ID=R.ID

个别内部查询工作正常并给出正确的结果,不确定 from 子句中的 inner join 有什么问题..


select c.id 
from customers c
    join profiles p on c.id = p.id 
    join relation_codes rc on rc.id = c.id
where ctr = '67564' 
    and cst_cd in ('G','H')
    and rc.r_cd = 'KC'

如果这不起作用,请提供您的 table 结构和样本数据以及预期结果。这应该让你非常接近。

请问,relation_codestable和profilestable中的id字段和[=11=一样吗? ] 在 customers table 中。也许您需要确定您的 table 是如何相关的。