具有 yield 的 Python 函数的正确类型注释

Proper type annotation of Python functions with yield

阅读 Eli Bendersky 的文章后 on implementing state machines via Python coroutines 我想...

我成功完成了第一部分(但没有使用 async defs 或 yield froms,我基本上只是移植了代码 - 所以任何改进都是最受欢迎的).


#!/usr/bin/env python3

from typing import Callable, Generator

def unwrap_protocol(header: int=0x61,
                    footer: int=0x62,
                    dle: int=0xAB,
                    after_dle_func: Callable[[int], int]=lambda x: x,
                    target: Generator=None) -> Generator:
    """ Simplified protocol unwrapping co-routine."""
    # Outer loop looking for a frame header
    while True:
        byte = (yield)
        frame = []  # type: List[int]

        if byte == header:
            # Capture the full frame
            while True:
                byte = (yield)
                if byte == footer:
                elif byte == dle:
                    byte = (yield)

def frame_receiver() -> Generator:
    """ A simple co-routine "sink" for receiving full frames."""
    while True:
        frame = (yield)
        print('Got frame:', ''.join('%02x' % x for x in frame))

bytestream = bytes(
    bytearray((0x70, 0x24,
               0x61, 0x99, 0xAF, 0xD1, 0x62,
               0x56, 0x62,
               0x61, 0xAB, 0xAB, 0x14, 0x62,

frame_consumer = frame_receiver()
next(frame_consumer)  # Get to the yield

unwrapper = unwrap_protocol(target=frame_consumer)
next(unwrapper)  # Get to the yield

for byte in bytestream:

这 运行 正确...

$ ./decoder.py 
Got frame: 99afd1
Got frame: ab14


$ mypy --disallow-untyped-defs decoder.py 

但我很确定我可以做得比在类型规范中仅使用 Generator 基础 class 更好(就像我对 Callable 所做的那样)。我知道它需要 3 个类型参数 (Generator[A,B,C]),但我不确定它们在此处的具体指定方式。



我进行了搜索,但在 official typing documentation for Python 3.5.2 中找不到 Generator 的 3 种类型参数的文档 - 除了真正神秘的提及...

class typing.Generator(Iterator[T_co], Generic[T_co, T_contra, V_co])

幸运的是,the original PEP484(开始了这一切)更有帮助:


def echo_round() -> Generator[int, float, str]:
    res = yield
    while res:
        res = yield round(res)
    return 'OK'

基于此,我能够注释我的生成器,并看到 mypy 确认我的分配:

from typing import Callable, Generator

# A protocol decoder:
# - yields Nothing
# - expects ints to be `send` in his yield waits
# - and doesn't return anything.
ProtocolDecodingCoroutine = Generator[None, int, None]

# A frame consumer (passed as an argument to a protocol decoder):
# - yields Nothing
# - expects List[int] to be `send` in his waiting yields
# - and doesn't return anything.
FrameConsumerCoroutine = Generator[None, List[int], None]

def unwrap_protocol(header: int=0x61,
                    footer: int=0x62,
                    dle :int=0xAB,
                    after_dle_func: Callable[[int], int]=lambda x: x,
                    target: FrameConsumerCoroutine=None) -> ProtocolDecodingCoroutine:

def frame_receiver() -> FrameConsumerCoroutine:

我测试了我的作业,例如交换类型的顺序 - 然后正如预期的那样,mypy 抱怨并要求正确的类型(如上所示)。

完整代码is accessible from here

我会把这个问题搁置几天,以防有人想插话——尤其是在使用 Python 3.5 的新协程样式方面(async def,等等) - 我将不胜感激关于它们将如何在这里使用的提示。

如果您有一个使用 yield 的简单函数,那么您可以使用 Iterator 类型来注释其结果,而不是 Generator:

from typing import Iterator

def count_up() -> Iterator[int]:
    for x in range(10):
        yield x

在撰写本文时,Python documentation 也明确提到了如何处理异步情况(已接受的答案中已经提到了非异步示例)。


async def echo_round() -> AsyncGenerator[int, float]:
    sent = yield 0
    while sent >= 0.0:
        rounded = await round(sent)
        sent = yield rounded

(第一个参数是 yield-type,第二个是 send-type)或者对于简单的情况(其中 send-type 是 None)

async def infinite_stream(start: int) -> AsyncIterator[int]:
    while True:
        yield start
        start = await increment(start)