Windows phone 8.1 中按下 home 键时如何防止 ContentDialog 关闭

How to prevent the ContentDialog from closing when home key is pressed in Windows phone 8.1

Folowing is my code which i am using to prevent losing when back key is pressed, But it is also blocking the "Yes" and "No" buttons of content dialog. What could be the reason?**

  dialog = new ContentDialog()
                    Title = "One basta found",
                            //RequestedTheme = ElementTheme.Dark,
                            //FullSizeDesired = true,
                            MaxWidth = this.ActualWidth // Required for Mobile!

                        // Setup Content
                        var panel = new StackPanel();

                        panel.Children.Add(new TextBlock
                            Text = file.Name+" is found. Do you want to add it?",
                            TextWrapping = TextWrapping.Wrap,

                        dialog.Content = panel;                    
                        // Add Buttons
                        dialog.PrimaryButtonText = "Yes";
                        dialog.IsPrimaryButtonEnabled = true;

dialog.Closing += ContentDialog_Closing;
void ContentDialog_Closing(ContentDialog sender, ContentDialogClosingEventArgs args)
                    args.Cancel = true;            

如果我理解正确,您希望在从主屏幕返回应用程序后打开内容对话框。 也许你应该尝试一些小的解决方法。如果内容对话框打开,在 onNavigatedFrom 中保存信息,并在 onNavigatedTo 中检查并再次显示内容对话框。

没有 运行 visual studio:

override OnNavigatedTo(...){

override OnNavigatedFrom(...){
   this.contentDialogShouldBeOpen = isContentDialogOpen;