S3Cmd 不适用于 S3 Ninja

S3Cmd doesn't work with S3 Ninja

我正在尝试将我的本地 s3ninja 与 s3cmd 一起使用。 每个命令都像:s3cmd ls s3://test 抛出相同的异常。

s3cfg 似乎没问题,调用的端点是正确的。

有人可以将 s3ninja 与 s3cmd 一起使用吗?

PS:我知道 S3 并不昂贵,而且有许多更好的方法可以针对 S3 进行测试。我出于其他原因需要 S3 Ninja。


DEBUG: ConfigParser: Reading file '/Users/daniel/.s3cfg'
DEBUG: ConfigParser: access_key->AK...17_chars...E
DEBUG: ConfigParser: access_token->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: add_encoding_exts->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: add_headers->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: bucket_location->US
DEBUG: ConfigParser: ca_certs_file->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: cache_file->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: check_ssl_certificate->True
DEBUG: ConfigParser: check_ssl_hostname->True
DEBUG: ConfigParser: cloudfront_host->cloudfront.amazonaws.com
DEBUG: ConfigParser: default_mime_type->binary/octet-stream
DEBUG: ConfigParser: delay_updates->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: delete_after->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: delete_after_fetch->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: delete_removed->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: dry_run->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: enable_multipart->True
DEBUG: ConfigParser: encoding->UTF-8
DEBUG: ConfigParser: encrypt->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: expiry_date->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: expiry_days->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: expiry_prefix->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: follow_symlinks->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: force->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: get_continue->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: gpg_command->None
DEBUG: ConfigParser: gpg_decrypt->%(gpg_command)s -d --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes --passphrase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s
DEBUG: ConfigParser: gpg_encrypt->%(gpg_command)s -c --verbose --no-use-agent --batch --yes --passphrase-fd %(passphrase_fd)s -o %(output_file)s %(input_file)s
DEBUG: ConfigParser: gpg_passphrase->...-3_chars...
DEBUG: ConfigParser: guess_mime_type->True
DEBUG: ConfigParser: host_base->s3.mylocalaws.com:9444/s3
DEBUG: ConfigParser: host_bucket->s3.mylocalaws.com:9444/s3/%(bucket)s
DEBUG: ConfigParser: human_readable_sizes->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: invalidate_default_index_on_cf->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: invalidate_default_index_root_on_cf->True
DEBUG: ConfigParser: invalidate_on_cf->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: kms_key->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: limitrate->0
DEBUG: ConfigParser: list_md5->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: log_target_prefix->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: long_listing->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: max_delete->-1
DEBUG: ConfigParser: mime_type->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: multipart_chunk_size_mb->15
DEBUG: ConfigParser: preserve_attrs->True
DEBUG: ConfigParser: progress_meter->True
DEBUG: ConfigParser: proxy_host->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: proxy_port->0
DEBUG: ConfigParser: put_continue->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: recursive->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: recv_chunk->65536
DEBUG: ConfigParser: reduced_redundancy->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: requester_pays->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: restore_days->1
DEBUG: ConfigParser: secret_key->wJ...37_chars...Y
DEBUG: ConfigParser: send_chunk->65536
DEBUG: ConfigParser: server_side_encryption->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: signature_v2->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: simpledb_host->sdb.amazonaws.com
DEBUG: ConfigParser: skip_existing->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: socket_timeout->300
DEBUG: ConfigParser: stop_on_error->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: storage_class->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: urlencoding_mode->normal
DEBUG: ConfigParser: use_https->False
DEBUG: ConfigParser: use_mime_magic->True
DEBUG: ConfigParser: verbosity->WARNING
DEBUG: ConfigParser: website_endpoint->http://%(bucket)s.s3-website-%(location)s.amazonaws.com/
DEBUG: ConfigParser: website_error->
DEBUG: ConfigParser: website_index->index.html
DEBUG: Updating Config.Config cache_file -> 
DEBUG: Updating Config.Config follow_symlinks -> False
DEBUG: Updating Config.Config verbosity -> 10
DEBUG: Unicodising 'ls' using UTF-8
DEBUG: Unicodising 's3://test' using UTF-8
DEBUG: Command: ls
DEBUG: Bucket 's3://test':
DEBUG: CreateRequest: resource[uri]=/
DEBUG: Using signature v4
DEBUG: get_hostname(test): s3.mylocalaws.com:9444/s3/test
DEBUG: canonical_headers = host:s3.mylocalaws.com:9444/s3/test

DEBUG: Canonical Request:

DEBUG: signature-v4 headers: {'x-amz-content-sha256': 'e3b0c44298fc1c149afbf4c8996fb92427ae41e4649b934ca495991b7852b855', 'Authorization': 'AWS4-HMAC-SHA256 Credential=AKIAIOSFODNN7EXAMPLE/20160718/US/s3/aws4_request,SignedHeaders=host;x-amz-content-sha256;x-amz-date,Signature=f58c63587c00d0c01122db06cf0b8a7376a2484b0572db3c562edddbd6d2fdb1', 'x-amz-date': '20160718T104632Z'}
DEBUG: Processing request, please wait...
DEBUG: get_hostname(test): s3.mylocalaws.com:9444/s3/test
DEBUG: ConnMan.get(): creating new connection: http://s3.mylocalaws.com:9444/s3/test

    An unexpected error has occurred.
  Please try reproducing the error using
  the latest s3cmd code from the git master
  branch found at:
  and have a look at the known issues list:
  If the error persists, please report the
  following lines (removing any private
  info as necessary) to:


DEBUG: Unicodising '/usr/local/bin/s3cmd' using UTF-8
DEBUG: Unicodising 'ls' using UTF-8
DEBUG: Unicodising 's3://test' using UTF-8
DEBUG: Unicodising '--debug' using UTF-8
Invoked as: /usr/local/bin/s3cmd ls s3://test --debug
Problem: UnboundLocalError: local variable 'conn' referenced before assignment
S3cmd:   1.6.0
python:   2.7.11 (default, Jan 22 2016, 08:29:18) 
[GCC 4.2.1 Compatible Apple LLVM 7.0.2 (clang-700.1.81)]
environment LANG=de_DE.UTF-8

Traceback (most recent call last):
  File "/usr/local/bin/s3cmd", line 2805, in <module>
    rc = main()
  File "/usr/local/bin/s3cmd", line 2713, in main
    rc = cmd_func(args)
  File "/usr/local/bin/s3cmd", line 120, in cmd_ls
    subcmd_bucket_list(s3, uri)
  File "/usr/local/bin/s3cmd", line 153, in subcmd_bucket_list
    response = s3.bucket_list(bucket, prefix = prefix)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/S3/S3.py", line 293, in bucket_list
    for dirs, objects in self.bucket_list_streaming(bucket, prefix, recursive, uri_params):
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/S3/S3.py", line 320, in bucket_list_streaming
    response = self.bucket_list_noparse(bucket, prefix, recursive, uri_params)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/S3/S3.py", line 339, in bucket_list_noparse
    response = self.send_request(request)
  File "/usr/local/lib/python2.7/site-packages/S3/S3.py", line 1084, in send_request
    conn.counter = ConnMan.conn_max_counter
UnboundLocalError: local variable 'conn' referenced before assignment

    An unexpected error has occurred.
  Please try reproducing the error using
  the latest s3cmd code from the git master
  branch found at:
  and have a look at the known issues list:
  If the error persists, please report the
  above lines (removing any private
  info as necessary) to:

s3cmd 目前迫使 api 在 /。另一方面,s3ninja 不允许将其设置为“/”。我已经向 s3cmd 提出了功能 (PR 781) 来处理 - 你可以自己修补 s3cmd。

另一种解决方案是设置一些代理,例如nginx / > /s3

这是我的 nginx 代理配置,可与 s3cmd 和 S3 Ninja 完美配合。

server {
      listen 80;
      server_name s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com;

      location / {


host_base = s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com
host_bucket = s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com

并且您需要在 /etc/hosts 中添加一个条目:  s3.eu-central-1.amazonaws.com

这也适用于反向代理和 https。

S3cmd 使用 AWS 端点并且未准备好与 S3 兼容的接口一起工作。尝试 "get bucket location".


Datacentre to create bucket in. As of now the datacenters are: US (default), EU, us-west-1, and ap- southeast-1
