Sandcastle 项目中的链接项

Linked Items in Sandcastle project

Folder and File Items 的 Sandcastle 文档最后指出:

The project supports linked items as well (adding them is not supported from the standalone GUI). Linked items will have a Remove option rather than a Delete option. This removes them from the project but leaves them on disk in their original location since they may belong to another project.

如何添加此类链接项(在 GUI 之外,因为据说不能通过独立 GUI 添加它们)?

看来你不是一个人感到困惑。它在 SHFB 的问题列表中,Eric Woodruff 在以下位置描述了该问题:Clarify support for 'Linked Items'

单机版GUI支持使用但无法添加。可以按照通常的方式将它们添加到 Visual Studio 中。 Select 添加现有项目的选项,在文件 selection 对话框中,不要单击“添加”按钮,而是单击它上面的下拉箭头和 select 添加为 Link选项。
