在 PowerShell 中连接到 CRM 2016 IFD

Connecting to CRM 2016 IFD in PowerShell

我想使用 SDK 中包含的 PowerShell cmdlet Get-CrmConnection 连接到 CRM 2016 服务器。



Get-CrmConnection -ConnectionString "Url=http://<server>/OrganizationName;"

但是连接到为 IFD 配置的服务器失败:

Get-CrmConnection -ConnectionString "Url=https://crm.ourdomain.com/"

Get-CrmConnection : Organization cannot be null or empty.
Parameter name: Organization Name
At line:1 char:1
+ Get-CrmConnection -ConnectionString "Url=https://crm.ourdomain.com/ ...
+ ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
    + CategoryInfo          : SyntaxError: (:) [Get-CrmConnection], ArgumentNullException
    + FullyQualifiedErrorId : -9,Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.CrmConnector.Powershell.Commands.GetCrmConnectionCommand

我尝试在连接字符串中添加 AuthType 参数,提供组织名称,但没有成功。重要的是我可以使用交互模式连接:

Get-CrmConnection -InteractiveMode


IsReady                        : True
IsBatchOperationsAvailable     : True
Authority                      :
OAuthUserId                    :
ActiveAuthenticationType       : AD
OrganizationServiceProxy       : Microsoft.Xrm.Tooling.Connector.CrmWebSvc+ManagedTokenOrganizationServiceProxy
OrganizationWebProxyClient     :
LastCrmError                   : OrganizationWebProxyClient is null
LastCrmException               :
CrmConnectOrgUriActual         : https://crm.ourdomain.com/XRMServices/2011/Organization.svc
ConnectedOrgFriendlyName       : OrganizationName
ConnectedOrgUniqueName         : OrganizationName
ConnectedOrgPublishedEndpoints : {[WebApplication, https://crm.ourdomain.com/], [OrganizationService,
ConnectionLockObject           : System.Object
ConnectedOrgVersion            :

microsoft.xrm.tooling.connector CrmConnection 有一些大陷阱,可能会让您用头撞墙。


Note the following:

  • Url must be in the form of https://orgname.contoso.com/orgname. For on-premises and IFD deployments the connector expects orgname to be
    at the end and looks like it does not make any attempt to deduce
    orgname from the server url.
  • Domain name must be specified but it’s not passed via claims, so it can be anything. Really any non-empty string o__O
  • Username must be UPN. If it’s not, then, since domain name is not passed it, ADFS 3.0 throws a fit (ADFS 2.0 assumes the domain)


get-crmconnection -ConnectionString "Server=https://{orgname}.{domain}.com/{orgname}; Domain=this_isnt_used_but_must_be_provided; UserName={domain}\{user}; Password={password}"

用户名稍微修改为 UPN

get-crmconnection -ConnectionString "Server=https://{orgname}.{domain}.com/{orgname}; Domain=this_isnt_used_but_must_be_provided; UserName={user}@{domain}; Password={password}"