Dagger 2子组件注入错误

Dagger 2 sub-component injection error

我有两个组件:AppComponentApiComponent。我想在 ApiComponent 和注入 ApiComponent 的对象中使用 AppComponent 提供的依赖项。所以我将 ApiComponent 视为 AppComponent 的子组件。我已经使用 dependecies 指令将 AppComponent 声明为 ApiComponent 中的依赖项:

@Component(dependencies = { AppComponent.class},
           modules = { ApiModule.class })
public interface ApiComponent {
    void inject(Application application);
    void inject(IntentService1 service1);

    SampleApi sampleApi();

这是我的 AppComponent:

@Component (modules = { AppModule.class })
public interface AppComponent {
    void (Class2 class2);

    Bus bus();
    SharedPreferences sharedPreferences();
    SampleApplication sampleApplication(); 

我的 ApiModule 的相关部分如下所示:

public final class ApiModule {
    SampleApi provideSampleApi(Retrofit retrofit) {
        return retrofit.create(SampleApi.class);;

我在 IntentService1 的 onCreate() 方法中触发了注入:

@Inject SampleApi sampleApi;

public void onCreate() {


SampleApi cannot be provided without an @Provides or @Produce-annotated method


我也是这个案子。我相信你在这里想要的是 @Subcomponent。我相信 dependencies 指令适用于当您的较低级别模块(为清楚起见避免使用 'sub' 一词)不知道(或想知道)在您的 'root' 模块中声明的那些依赖项(即模块与事件总线等项目)。引用有关组件 dependencies = { };

Dagger 2 文档

Component Dependencies

While subcomponents are the simplest way to compose subgraphs of bindings, subcomponents are tightly coupled with the parents; they may use any binding defined by their ancestor component and subcomponents. As an alternative, components can use bindings only from another component interface by declaring a component dependency. When a type is used as a component dependency, each provision method on the dependency is bound as a provider. Note that only the bindings exposed as provision methods are available through component dependencies.



场景:我的SplashActivity贡献了一个LocalBroadcastManager依赖和activityContext 到根模块的图形并使用主模块提供的数据库依赖项...与您的用例非常相似。

    modules = SplashActivityModule.class
public interface SplashActivityComponent {
  void inject(final SplashActivity splashActivity);

代码段 1:启动画面 activity 子组件

public class SplashActivityModule {
  private final Context activity;

   * Constructs the activity module.
   * @param activity The activity context.
  public SplashActivityModule(final Activity activity) {
    this.activity = activity;

   * Provide the (domain) context.
   * @return The context of the domain module.
  Context provideContext() {
    return activity;

   * Provide the local broadcast manager.
   * @return the broadcast manager.
  LocalBroadcastManager provideLocalBroadcastManager() {
    return LocalBroadcastManager.getInstance(activity);

代码段 2:activity 又名 SplashActivityModule

@Component(modules = DomainModule.class)
public interface DomainComponent {
  SplashActivityComponent plus(final SplashActivityModule splashActivityModule);

代码段 3:提供图形入口点的父(或根)模块。

protected void setupActivityComponent(final DomainComponent domainComponent) {
  domainComponent.plus(new SplashActivityModule(this)).inject(this);

片段 4SplashActivity 执行注入的代码(在 onCreate 的超级调用后立即调用)



public @interface ApiScope {

令人恼火的是,依赖组件不能具有与其父组件相同的单例范围,并且您必须为所有单例组件声明命名范围,但原因已描述 here。另外,请确保模块中的所有提供程序方法都使用与组件范围相同的范围进行注释。这是我的提供者方法之一:

UserApi provideUserApi(Retrofit retrofit) {
    return retrofit.create(UserApi.class);


Bus bus();
SharedPreferences sharedPreferences();
MyApplication myApplication();


UserApi userApi();

还要确保检查这个非常有用和准确的 article on Dagger 2. This Whosebug 帮助我查明了我关于声明范围的问题,并管理了依赖项的生命周期。

PS: 我避免使用术语 "subcomponent",因为在 Dagger 2 中有一种不同的方法来声明 "subcomponent",即使依赖组件和子组件在概念上是相同的。