@ControllerAdvice 覆盖异常@ResponseStatus

@ControllerAdvice overrides exception @ResponseStatus

我不确定为什么 @ControllerAdvice 使用 @ResponseStatus 注释覆盖了在 Exception 级别定义的响应代码。


public class GreetException extends RuntimeException {}


public class GreetController {

    @RequestMapping(method = RequestMethod.GET)
    public String greet() {
        throw new GreetException();


public class ExceptionConfiguration {

    public void handleConflict() {}

GreetController 的 greet 方法被调用时,响应是 409 - CONFLICT。因为我专门提供了异常级别的响应代码,所以我预计这将是返回的代码 (400 - BAD_REQUEST).

当然,这是一个过于简化的示例,但我们使用 RuntimeException 定义定义了一个控制器建议,因此我们可以为每个未捕获的异常分配一个 id。


@ResponseStatus 注释异常的问题是,这仅在异常未在其他地方处理时触发。

请参阅 Spring article about exception handling in Spring MVC 中的这句话:

When an annotated exception is thrown from a controller method, and not handled elsewhere, it will automatically cause the appropriate HTTP response to be returned with the specified status-code.

同一篇文章描述了在 ControllerAdvice 和通用处理程序的情况下使其工作的方法。参见 Paragraph about ControllerAdvice

如果用 @ResponseStatus:

public class ExceptionConfiguration {

  public void handleConflict(RuntimeException e) throws RuntimeException {
    // Check for annotation
    if (AnnotationUtils.findAnnotation(e.getClass(), ResponseStatus.class) != null) {
      // Rethrow Exception
      throw e;
    else {
      // Provide your general exception handling here

Your ControllerAdvice does not know about GreetException, so it is throwing "HttpStatus.CONFLICT" instead of "HttpStatus.BAD_REQUEST"

请查找以下 spring 文档供您参考:



public class ExceptionConfiguration {

    public void handleRuntimeException() {}

    public void handleGreetException() {}
