领域驱动设计 (DDD) 和数据库生成的报告

Domain Driven Design (DDD) and database generated reports

我仍在研究 DDD,但我很想知道一个潜在的陷阱。

根据 DDD,聚合根不应该知道持久性,但这是否意味着整个聚合根最终会在内存中实例化?


According to DDD an aggregate-root shouldn't know about persistence, but doesn't that mean the entire aggregate-root ends up being instantiated in memory?


How could the aggregate-root, for instance, ask the database to group and sum a lot of data if it's not supposed to know about persistence?

聚合不会要求数据库对数据进行分组和求和 - 通常您会在应用程序服务/命令处理程序中加载聚合。例如:

public class SomeUseCaseHandler : IHandle<SomeCommand>
    private readonly ISomeRepository _someRepository;
    public SomeUseCaseHandler(ISomeRepository someRepository)
        _someRepository = someRepository;

    public void When(SomeCommand command)
        var someAggregaate = _someRepository.Load(command.AggregateId);

所以你的聚合仍然忽略它是如何持久化的。但是,您的 ISomeRepository 实现 not 无知,因此可以做任何必要的事情来完全加载聚合。所以你 可以 在加载聚合时有你的持久性实现 group/sum,但更多时候你可能会查询读取模型:

public class SomeUseCaseHandler : IHandle<SomeCommand>
    private readonly ISomeRepository _someRepository;
    private readonly ISomeReadModel _someReadModel;

    public SomeUseCaseHandler(ISomeRepository someRepository, ISomeReadModel readModel)
        _someRepository = someRepository;
        _someReadModel = someReadModel;

    public void When(SomeCommand command)
        var someAggregaate = _someRepository.Load(command.AggregateId);

您实际上并没有说出您的用例是什么。 :)


刚刚注意到标题指的是数据库生成的报告 - 这根本不会通过您的域模型,它将是一个完全独立的读取模型。 CQRS 在这里应用

According to DDD an aggregate-root shouldn't know about persistence, but doesn't that mean the entire aggregate-root ends up being instantiated in memory?


How could the aggregate-root, for instance, ask the database to group and sum a lot of data if it's not supposed to know about persistence?


