如何禁用 Slack URL 建议?

How to disable Slack URL suggestion?

我想向 Slack 用户发送直接消息,其文本中包含网站 link。这是正文,

var msgText="Find us on < http://www.google.com|Google>";


method: "POST", url: "https://slack.com/api/chat.postMessage",
body: { "token": slackBotToken, "as_user":true, "channel":"@UserId","text":msgText}

这是我在 Slack 帐户上得到的,

我想删除 URL 建议,知道怎么做吗?


我从 Slack Support 得到了答案,我已经验证他是正确的:

Thanks for getting in touch, and sorry for the troubles with unfurling. It's quite hidden in our documentation (we'll make it more clear), but in order to completely prevent link unfurling within a particular message, you'll need to set both unfurl_links and unfurl_media to false.