Pandas 或 Pyspark 数据帧中连续列的实际差异和百分比差异

Actual and Percentage Difference on consecutive columns in a Pandas or Pyspark Dataframe

我想在 pandas 或 pyspark 数据帧中的连续列中执行两个不同的计算。

列是周,指标显示为行。 我想计算各列的实际差异和百分比差异

input/output 个表格,包括。 Excel 中使用的计算如下图所示。 我想在 pandas 或 pyspark 数据帧上复制这些计算。


Metrics         Week20  Week21  Week22  Week23  Week24  Week25  Week26  Week27
Sales           20301   21132   20059   23062   19610   22734   22140   20699
TRXs            739     729     690     779     701     736     762     655
Attachment Rate 4.47    4.44    4.28    4.56    4.41    4.58    4.55    4.96
AOV             27.47   28.99   29.07   29.6    27.97   30.89   29.06   31.6
Profit          5177    5389    5115    5881    5001    5797    5646    5278
Profit per TRX  7.01    7.39    7.41    7.55    7.13    7.88    7.41    8.06

在 pandas 中你可以使用 pct_change(axis=1) and diff(axis=1) 方法:

df = df.set_index('Metrics')

# list of metrics with "actual diff"
actual = ['AOV', 'Attachment Rate']

rep = (df[~df.index.isin(actual)].pct_change(axis=1).round(2)*100).fillna(0).astype(str).add('%')
rep = pd.concat([rep,

In [131]: rep
                Week20 Week21 Week22 Week23  Week24 Week25 Week26  Week27
Sales             0.0%   4.0%  -5.0%  15.0%  -15.0%  16.0%  -3.0%   -7.0%
TRXs              0.0%  -1.0%  -5.0%  13.0%  -10.0%   5.0%   4.0%  -14.0%
Profit            0.0%   4.0%  -5.0%  15.0%  -15.0%  16.0%  -3.0%   -7.0%
Profit per TRX    0.0%   5.0%   0.0%   2.0%   -6.0%  11.0%  -6.0%    9.0%
Attachment Rate      0  -0.03  -0.16   0.28   -0.15   0.17  -0.03    0.41
AOV                  0   1.52   0.08   0.53   -1.63   2.92  -1.83    2.54