如何在 JavaScript 中获取当前脚本文件夹的 POSIX 路径用于自动化?

How to get POSIX path of the current script's folder in JavaScript for Automation?

在 AppleScript 中,可以使用此行获取当前脚本所在文件夹的 POSIX 路径:

POSIX path of ((path to me as text) & "::")


JavaScript 等价物是多少?

这里有一个方法 [注意:我不再推荐这个方法。请参阅下面的编辑]

app = Application.currentApplication();
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;
path = app.pathTo(this);
app.doShellScript('dirname \'' + path + '\'') + '/';

请注意 path 周围的单引号,以便在 doShellScript


编辑 在因使用相当不安全的路径引用方法而被@foo 掌掴后,我想修改此答案:

app = Application.currentApplication();
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;
thePath = app.pathTo(this);

thePathStr = $.NSString.alloc.init;
thePathStr = $.NSString.alloc.initWithUTF8String(thePath);
thePathStrDir = (thePathStr.stringByDeletingLastPathComponent);

thePathStrDir.js + "/";

如果你要使用这个字符串,当然,你仍然需要处理它是否有可疑字符。但至少在这个阶段这不是问题。这也演示了 JXA 用户可用的一些概念,例如使用 ObjC 桥和 .js 将字符串 "coerced" 转换为 JavaScript 字符串(来自 NSString)。

使用-[NSString stringByDeletingLastPathComponent],它已经知道如何安全地删除最后一个路径段:


path = ObjC.unwrap($(path).stringByDeletingLastPathComponent)

或者,如果您喜欢更危险的生活,您可以使用正则表达式从 POSIX 路径字符串中删除最后一个路径段。从我的头顶(警告买者等):

path = path.replace(/\/[^\/]+\/*$/,'').replace(/^$/,'/')

(请注意,第二个 replace() 是正确处理具有 <2 个部分的路径所必需的。)

所以总结一下我现在正在做的事情,我正在回答我自己的问题。使用@foo 和@CRGreen 的出色回复,我得出以下结论:

var app, path, dir;

app = Application.currentApplication();
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;

path = app.pathTo(this);
dir = $.NSString.alloc.initWithUTF8String(path).stringByDeletingLastPathComponent.js + '/';

这与@CRGreen 的回复非常接近,但是,它更简洁一些,我正在导入 Foundation 而不是 Cocoa。另外,我正在声明我使用的变量以避免意外的全局变量。

我想我找到了一种无需调用 ObjC 即可获取父文件夹的更简单方法。

var app = Application.currentApplication();
app.includeStandardAdditions = true;
thePath = app.pathTo(this);

Path(thePath + '/../../')

不涉及 ObjC 的纯 JXA 代码:

App = Application.currentApplication()
App.includeStandardAdditions = true
SystemEvents = Application('System Events')

var pathToMe = App.pathTo(this)
var containerPOSIXPath = SystemEvents.files[pathToMe.toString()].container().posixPath()

通过提供 独立的实用函数来补充有用的现有答案:

// Return the POSIX path of the folder hosting this script / app.
// E.g., from within '/foo/bar.scpt', returns '/foo'.
function myPath() {
    var app = Application.currentApplication(); app.includeStandardAdditions = true
    return $(app.pathTo(this).toString()).stringByDeletingLastPathComponent.js

// Return the filename root (filename w/o extension) of this script / app.
// E.g., from within '/foo/bar.scpt', returns 'bar'.
// (Remove `.stringByDeletingPathExtension` if you want to retain the extension.)
function myName() {
    var app = Application.currentApplication(); app.includeStandardAdditions = true
    return $(app.pathTo(this).toString()).lastPathComponent.stringByDeletingPathExtension.js

注意:这些函数使用 ObjC 桥的快捷语法形式$(...) 用于 ObjC.wrap().js 用于 ObjC.unwrap(),并利用 Foundation 框架的符号默认可用 - 请参阅 OS X 10.10 JXA release notes.

很容易概括这些函数以提供 POSIX dirnamebasename 实用程序的 等价物:

// Returns the parent path of the specified filesystem path.
// A trailing '/' in the input path is ignored.
// Equivalent of the POSIX dirname utility.
// Examples:
//    dirname('/foo/bar') // -> '/foo'
//    dirname('/foo/bar/') // ditto
function dirname(path) {
  return $(path.toString()).stringByDeletingLastPathComponent.js

// Returns the filename component of the specified filesystem path.
// A trailing '/' in the input path is ignored.
// If the optional <extToStrip> is specified:
//   - If it it is a string, it is removed from the result, if it matches at
//     the end (case-sensitively) - do include the '.'
//   - Otherwise (Boolean or number), any truthy value causes any extension
//     (suffix) present to be removed.
// Equivalent of the POSIX basename utility; the truthy semantics of the
// 2nd argument are an extension.
// Examples:
//    basename('/foo/bar') // -> 'bar'
//    basename('/foo/bar/') // ditto
//    basename('/foo/bar.scpt', 1) // -> 'bar'
//    basename('/foo/bar.scpt', '.scpt') // -> 'bar'
//    basename('/foo/bar.jxa', '.scpt') // -> 'bar.jxa'
function basename(path, extToStrip) {
  path = path.toString()
  if (path[path.length-1] === '/') { path = path.slice(0, -1) }
  if (typeof extToStrip === 'string') {
    return path.slice(-extToStrip.length) === extToStrip ? $(path).lastPathComponent.js.slice(0, -extToStrip.length) : $(path).lastPathComponent.js    
  } else { // assumed to be numeric: if truthy, strip any extension
    return extToStrip ? $(path).lastPathComponent.stringByDeletingPathExtension.js : $(path).lastPathComponent.js    


这是我的,它不需要 ObjC,并且 returns 具有可能需要的属性的对象。

'use strict';
var oScript = getScriptProp(this);

/*oScript Properties



function getScriptProp(pRefObject) {

  var app = Application.currentApplication()
  app.includeStandardAdditions = true

  var pathScript = app.pathTo(pRefObject).toString();
  var pathArr = pathScript.split("/")

  var oScript = {
    Path: pathScript,
    Name: pathArr[pathArr.length - 1],
    ParentPath: pathArr.slice(0, pathArr.length - 1).join("/"),
    Folder: pathArr[pathArr.length - 2]

  return oScript