我的程序有什么问题?我想保存坐标值,但每次循环后它都会重置为 0,0

What's wrong with my program? I want the coordinate values to be saved but it keeps resetting to 0,0 after every loop

我的程序有什么问题?我希望保存坐标值,但在每次 loop.if 运行我的主文件后,它会一直重置为 0,0 并在同一文件夹中使用 .h,您会看到坐标值在循环完成后重置.非常沮丧。

我的 .h 文件
不保存的部分最有可能在 move() 函数中
非常感谢 :) 我什么都试过了,是不是哪里做错了?

using namespace std;
    #include <string>
    #define FORWARD 0
    #define BACKWARD -1
    #define RIGHT 2
    #define LEFT -2
    #define t true
    class Player
        //x pos
        float x;
        //y pos
        float y;
        //id of player
        string id;
    string d;
    string mv;
    // Making a new player
    Player p;

    int direction;

    void turnForward()
        direction = FORWARD;

    void turnBackward()
       direction = BACKWARD;

    void turnRight()
        direction = RIGHT;

    void turnLeft()
        direction = LEFT;

    int spaces;

    void move(int spaces, int direction, float x, float y, Player p)
        x = p.x;
        y = p.y;
        if(direction == LEFT)
            x = x - spaces;

            cout << x << ","<<   y << endl;
          p.x = x;

        if(direction == RIGHT)
            x = x + spaces;

            cout << x << ","<<   y << endl;
        p.x = x;

        if(direction == FORWARD)
            y = y + spaces;

            cout << x << ","<<   y << endl;
        p.y = y;
        if(direction == BACKWARD)
            y = y - spaces;

            cout << x << ","<<    y << endl;
         p.y = y;



#include <iostream>
#import <string>
#include "assets.h"
using namespace std;

void run()

    cout << "What direction would you like to turn? Left (L), Right (R), Forward (F), Backward (B) ";
        cin >> d;
        if(d == "L" || d == "l")
            cout << "Would you like to move " << d << "? Y/N ";
            cin >> mv;
            if(mv == "Y" || mv == "y")
                cout << "How many spaces would you like to go " <<d << "? ";
                cin >> spaces;
                move(spaces, direction, p.x, p.y, p);
        if(d == "R" || d == "r")
            cout << "Would you like to move " << d << "? Y/N ";
            cin >> mv;
            if(mv == "Y" || mv == "y")
                cout << "How many spaces would you like to go " <<d << "? ";
                cin >> spaces;
                move(spaces, direction, p.x, p.y, p);

        if(d == "F" || d == "f")
            cout << "Would you like to move " << d << "? Y/N ";
            cin >> mv;
            if(mv == "Y" || mv == "y")
                cout << "How many spaces would you like to go " <<d << "? ";
                cin >> spaces;
                move(spaces, direction, p.x, p.y, p);

        if(d == "B" || d == "b")
                cout << "Would you like to move " << d << "? Y/N ";
                cin >> mv;
                if(mv == "Y" || mv == "y")
                    cout << "How many spaces would you like to go " <<d << "? ";
                    cin >> spaces;
                    move(spaces, direction, p.x, p.y, p);


int main(int argc, char *argv[]) 
        cout << "Enter in your name (This will be your username): ";
        cin >> p.id;




您是按值而不是按引用传递 p。所以move()正在修改播放器的副本。将 move() 更改为:

void move(int spaces, int direction, float x, float y, Player &p)

在您的 move() 方法中,您将 x 和 y 的参数值重置为 p.x 和 p.y。 p 的初始化值在哪里?
每次执行循环时,它都会传递对象 Person 的副本,因此如果您在 move() 方法中更改该对象的任何值,它将不会在 运行() 方法中生效。正如 Barmar 提到的,您必须通过引用传递值或 return 从 move() 方法更新 Person 对象并将其分配回 运行() 方法中的对象 p。