Laravel 5.1 间歇性状态异常

Laravel 5.1 Intermittent State Exception

SO 上有几篇关于此问题的帖子,并且在尝试了我找到的所有解决方案后,我确信我的代码确实存在问题。这是我的 Facebook 社交登录代码的当前版本。

需要说明的是,此代码在大约 90% 的时间内都有效。对于我网站上大约 10% 的用户,他们触发了无效状态异常错误并且无法登录。

我计划下个月在 Laravel 5.3 重建整个网站,所以我只需要这个修复持续 30 天。


    public function create()
        return Socialite::driver('facebook')->redirect();

     * Store a newly created resource in storage.
     * @param Request $request
     * @return Response
    public function store(Request $request)
        $socialUser = Socialite::driver('facebook')->user();

        $user = User::firstOrNew(['socialite_provider' => 'facebook', 'socialite_id' => $socialUser->getId()]);
        $user->socialite_provider = 'facebook';
        $user->socialite_id = $socialUser->getId();
        $user->socialite_nickname = $socialUser->getNickname();
        $user->socialite_name = $socialUser->getName();
        $user->socialite_avatar = $socialUser->getAvatar();
        $user->socialite_email = $socialUser->getEmail();

         * Hack to fix invalid state error, I think this helped a little but it's still not working for all users.
        $state = $request->get('state');
        $request->session()->put('state', $state);
        if (Auth::check() == false) {

        // Update orders so that we don't lose our guest cart
        $oldSessionId = Session::getId();

        Auth::login($user, true);

        $newSessionId = Session::getId();
        Order::updateSession($oldSessionId, $newSessionId);

        return redirect()->intended('/');

此问题已在 Laravel 5.3 中通过 ->stateless() 得到解决。