你可以通过 fseek 过去的 EOF 创建未定义的数据吗?

Can you create undefined data by fseeking past EOF?



unsigned char *someText= "ExampleText";
int length = 11;
int randomLengthPastEOF  = 10;

FILE *output = fopen("/Example/FilePath", "wb");
fseek(input, randomLengthPastEOF ,SEEK_END);
fwrite(someText, 1, length, output);


POSIX 将中间的数据定义为零字节: http://www.unix.com/man-page/POSIX/3posix/fseek/

The fseek() function shall allow the file-position indicator to be set beyond the end of existing data in the file. If data is later written at this point, subsequent reads of data in the gap shall return bytes with the value 0 until data is actually written into the gap.

全部为零。事实上,如果你跳过足够远以跳过整个块,UNIX 将生成所谓的稀疏文件,只分配你写入的块,如果你稍后尝试从从未写入的块中读取,它不会'不读取磁盘,它只是假装有一个全为零的块和 returns 您要求的部分。