在 R 中按食物组绘制丰度

Plotting abundance by food group in R


1 col = sample ID 
2 col = bacteria phyla (out of 7 groups)
3 col = bacteria abundance
4 col = fiber category (out of normal, high, low.) 

我想用不同的门群作为填充,纤维类别作为 x 轴(所以 3 条高、低和正常)与 y 轴上的相对丰度进行绘制。

Sample  Phyla           Abundance   FiberCategory
42226   Fusobacteria    0.000007990 Normal
42226   Verrucomicrobia 0.000003990 Normal
42226   Other           0.003485600 Normal
42226   Bacteroidetes   0.403487198 Normal
42226   Firmicutes      0.577910    Normal
42226   Proteobacteria    0.0010    Normal
42226   Actinobacteria     0.0140   Normal
311101  Fusobacteria        0.00    Normal
311101  Verrucomicrobia    0.003    Normal
311101  Other             0.0009    Normal
311101  Proteobacteria  0.000743013 Normal
311101  Bacteroidetes   0.338208944 Normal
311101  Actinobacteria  0.004665200 Normal
311101  Firmicutes         0.654    Normal
4921103 Other        0.000191938    Low
4921103 Fusobacteria    0.000000000 Low
4921103 Actinobacteria  0.000246777 Low
4921103 Proteobacteria  0.007608959 Low
4921103 Verrucomicrobia 0.000004570 Low
4921103 Firmicutes    0.267081313   Low
4921103 Bacteroidetes   0.724866443 Low

我已经试过了ggplot(vg, aes(x = VegetablesCategory, y = Abundance, fill = Phyla))但是它说剧情损坏了..


在您的代码中,您没有向图中添加任何图层。此外,您可能希望通过 FiberCategoryPhyla:


vg %>% group_by(FiberCategory, Phyla) %>% summarise(Abundance = sum(Abundance)) %>%
ggplot(aes(x = FiberCategory, y = Abundance, fill = Phyla)) + geom_bar(stat = "identity")
