AutoFac - 如何使用参数注册和解析对象?

AutoFac - How to register and resolve an object with parameter?

public class FooController : ApiController
   private IDb db;
    public FooController (IDb context)
        db = context;

    public void DoSomething(string value)
        var output = new DoSomethingElse(value);

DoSomethingElse 对象被此 class 中的几个方法使用,但这并不是所有方法的要求。如何注册和解决DoSomethingElse?


public class FooController : ApiController
   private IDb db;
    public FooController (IDb context)
        db = context;

    public void DoSomething(string value)
        var output = new DoSomethingElse(value);

您不想在每次实例化 FooController 时都实例化 DoSomethingElse 类型。您还想在 运行 时间为其提供一个值。


public interface IDoSomethingElseFactory
    IDoSomethingElse Create(string value);

public class DoSomethingElseFactory : IDoSomethingElseFactory
    public IDoSomethingElse Create(string value)
        // Every call to this method will create a new instance
        return new DoSomethingElse(value);

public class FooController : ApiController
    private IDb db;
    private readonly IDoSomethingElseFactory doSomethingElseFactory;

    public FooController (
        IDb context,
        IDoSomethingElseFactory doSomethingElseFactory)
        db = context;
        this.doSomethingElseFactory = doSomethingElseFactory;

    public void DoSomething(string value)
        // this will be the point at which a brand new
        // instance of `DoSomethingElse` will be created.
        var output = doSomethingElseFactory.Create(value);

