如何在最接近某个任意点 p 的 (x, y) 坐标的闭合二维复合贝塞尔曲线上找到点 q 的 (x, y) 坐标?
How do I find the (x, y) coordinates of the point q on a closed 2D composite Beziér curve closest to the (x, y) coordinates of some arbitrary point p?
我有一组 2D 笛卡尔点 [b]
,它们从头开始顺时针方向排列并形成一个闭合形状。其中每一个都有自己的二维笛卡尔点 q0
和 q1
,它们定义了围绕该点(以及之前和之后的点)的 Beziér 曲线。所有这些点一起定义了一个封闭的 2D composite Beziér curve.
我有一个单独的点 p
,它是同一平面上的任意二维笛卡尔点。 是否有一种简单的算法可以找到新的二维笛卡尔点 q
的 (x, y)
坐标,这是到 p
如图所示,我有点 b[0]
到 b[3]
及其句柄 b[n].q0
和 b[n].q1
,我有任意点 p
.我正在尝试计算点 q
,不是作为沿曲线的浮点位置,而是作为一对 (x, y)
我试着搜索这个,但有些似乎只有 for a very small curve, others were way over my head with abstract mathematics and scientific research papers。
非常感谢任何引导我找到算法解决方案的帮助,特别是如果它可以翻译成类似 C 的语言而不是上述 SO 答案中的纯数学。
通过改编 the algorithm posted by Tatarize,我在 Swift 中提出了这个解决方案,应该可以翻译成其他语言:
struct BezierPoint {
let q0: CGPoint
let point: CGPoint
let q1: CGPoint
struct SimpleBezierCurve {
let left: BezierPoint
let right: BezierPoint
class BezierPath {
var pathPoints = [BezierPoint]()
func findClosestPoint(to targetPoint: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
let segments = allSegments()
guard segments.count > 0 else { return targetPoint }
var closestPoint = (distance: CGFloat.infinity, point: CGPoint(x: CGFloat.infinity, y: CGFloat.infinity))
segments.forEach{ curve in
let thisPoint = BezierPath.findClosestPoint(to: targetPoint, along: curve)
let distance = findDistance(from: targetPoint, to: thisPoint)
if (distance < closestPoint.distance) {
closestPoint = (distance: distance, point: thisPoint)
return closestPoint.point
func allSegments() -> [SimpleBezierCurve] {
guard pathPoints.count > 0 else { return [] }
var segments = [SimpleBezierCurve]()
var prevPoint = pathPoints[0]
for i in 1 ..< pathPoints.count {
let thisPoint = pathPoints[i]
segments.append(SimpleBezierCurve(left: prevPoint, right: thisPoint))
prevPoint = thisPoint
segments.append(SimpleBezierCurve(left: prevPoint, right: pathPoints[0]))
return segments
static func findClosestPoint(to point: CGPoint, along curve: SimpleBezierCurve) -> CGPoint {
return findClosestPointToCubicBezier(to: point, slices: 10, iterations: 10, along: curve)
// Adapted from
static func findClosestPointToCubicBezier(to target: CGPoint, slices: Int, iterations: Int, along curve: SimpleBezierCurve) -> CGPoint {
return findClosestPointToCubicBezier(iterations: iterations, to: target, start: 0, end: 1, slices: slices, along: curve)
// Adapted from
private static func findClosestPointToCubicBezier(iterations iterations: Int, to: CGPoint, start: CGFloat, end: CGFloat, slices: Int, along curve: SimpleBezierCurve) -> CGPoint {
if iterations <= 0 {
let position = (start + end) / 2
let point = self.point(for: position, along: curve)
return point
let tick = (end - start) / slices
var best = CGFloat(0)
var bestDistance = CGFloat.infinity
var currentDistance: CGFloat
var t = start
while (t <= end) {
//B(t) = (1-t)**3 p0 + 3(1 - t)**2 t P1 + 3(1-t)t**2 P2 + t**3 P3
let point = self.point(for: t, along: curve)
var dx = point.x - to.x;
var dy = point.y - to.y;
dx *= dx;
dy *= dy;
currentDistance = dx + dy;
if (currentDistance < bestDistance) {
bestDistance = currentDistance;
best = t;
t += tick;
return findClosestPointToCubicBezier(iterations: iterations - 1, to: to, start: max(best - tick, 0.0), end: min(best + tick, 1.0), slices: slices, along: curve);
static func point(for t: CGFloat, along curve: SimpleBezierCurve) -> CGPoint {
// This had to be broken up to avoid the "Expression too complex" error
let x0 = curve.left.point.x
let x1 = curve.left.q1.x
let x2 = curve.right.q0.x
let x3 = curve.right.point.x
let y0 = curve.left.point.y
let y1 = curve.left.q1.y
let y2 = curve.right.q0.y
let y3 = curve.right.point.y
let x = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * x0 + 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * x1 + 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * x2 + t * t * t * x3
let y = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * y0 + 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * y1 + 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * y2 + t * t * t * y3
return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
// Possibly in another file
func findDistance(from a: CGPoint, to b: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
return sqrt(pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + pow(a.y - b.y, 2));
我有一组 2D 笛卡尔点 [b]
,它们从头开始顺时针方向排列并形成一个闭合形状。其中每一个都有自己的二维笛卡尔点 q0
和 q1
,它们定义了围绕该点(以及之前和之后的点)的 Beziér 曲线。所有这些点一起定义了一个封闭的 2D composite Beziér curve.
我有一个单独的点 p
,它是同一平面上的任意二维笛卡尔点。 是否有一种简单的算法可以找到新的二维笛卡尔点 q
的 (x, y)
坐标,这是到 p
如图所示,我有点 b[0]
到 b[3]
及其句柄 b[n].q0
和 b[n].q1
,我有任意点 p
.我正在尝试计算点 q
,不是作为沿曲线的浮点位置,而是作为一对 (x, y)
我试着搜索这个,但有些似乎只有 for a very small curve, others were way over my head with abstract mathematics and scientific research papers。
非常感谢任何引导我找到算法解决方案的帮助,特别是如果它可以翻译成类似 C 的语言而不是上述 SO 答案中的纯数学。
通过改编 the algorithm posted by Tatarize,我在 Swift 中提出了这个解决方案,应该可以翻译成其他语言:
struct BezierPoint {
let q0: CGPoint
let point: CGPoint
let q1: CGPoint
struct SimpleBezierCurve {
let left: BezierPoint
let right: BezierPoint
class BezierPath {
var pathPoints = [BezierPoint]()
func findClosestPoint(to targetPoint: CGPoint) -> CGPoint {
let segments = allSegments()
guard segments.count > 0 else { return targetPoint }
var closestPoint = (distance: CGFloat.infinity, point: CGPoint(x: CGFloat.infinity, y: CGFloat.infinity))
segments.forEach{ curve in
let thisPoint = BezierPath.findClosestPoint(to: targetPoint, along: curve)
let distance = findDistance(from: targetPoint, to: thisPoint)
if (distance < closestPoint.distance) {
closestPoint = (distance: distance, point: thisPoint)
return closestPoint.point
func allSegments() -> [SimpleBezierCurve] {
guard pathPoints.count > 0 else { return [] }
var segments = [SimpleBezierCurve]()
var prevPoint = pathPoints[0]
for i in 1 ..< pathPoints.count {
let thisPoint = pathPoints[i]
segments.append(SimpleBezierCurve(left: prevPoint, right: thisPoint))
prevPoint = thisPoint
segments.append(SimpleBezierCurve(left: prevPoint, right: pathPoints[0]))
return segments
static func findClosestPoint(to point: CGPoint, along curve: SimpleBezierCurve) -> CGPoint {
return findClosestPointToCubicBezier(to: point, slices: 10, iterations: 10, along: curve)
// Adapted from
static func findClosestPointToCubicBezier(to target: CGPoint, slices: Int, iterations: Int, along curve: SimpleBezierCurve) -> CGPoint {
return findClosestPointToCubicBezier(iterations: iterations, to: target, start: 0, end: 1, slices: slices, along: curve)
// Adapted from
private static func findClosestPointToCubicBezier(iterations iterations: Int, to: CGPoint, start: CGFloat, end: CGFloat, slices: Int, along curve: SimpleBezierCurve) -> CGPoint {
if iterations <= 0 {
let position = (start + end) / 2
let point = self.point(for: position, along: curve)
return point
let tick = (end - start) / slices
var best = CGFloat(0)
var bestDistance = CGFloat.infinity
var currentDistance: CGFloat
var t = start
while (t <= end) {
//B(t) = (1-t)**3 p0 + 3(1 - t)**2 t P1 + 3(1-t)t**2 P2 + t**3 P3
let point = self.point(for: t, along: curve)
var dx = point.x - to.x;
var dy = point.y - to.y;
dx *= dx;
dy *= dy;
currentDistance = dx + dy;
if (currentDistance < bestDistance) {
bestDistance = currentDistance;
best = t;
t += tick;
return findClosestPointToCubicBezier(iterations: iterations - 1, to: to, start: max(best - tick, 0.0), end: min(best + tick, 1.0), slices: slices, along: curve);
static func point(for t: CGFloat, along curve: SimpleBezierCurve) -> CGPoint {
// This had to be broken up to avoid the "Expression too complex" error
let x0 = curve.left.point.x
let x1 = curve.left.q1.x
let x2 = curve.right.q0.x
let x3 = curve.right.point.x
let y0 = curve.left.point.y
let y1 = curve.left.q1.y
let y2 = curve.right.q0.y
let y3 = curve.right.point.y
let x = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * x0 + 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * x1 + 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * x2 + t * t * t * x3
let y = (1 - t) * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * y0 + 3 * (1 - t) * (1 - t) * t * y1 + 3 * (1 - t) * t * t * y2 + t * t * t * y3
return CGPoint(x: x, y: y)
// Possibly in another file
func findDistance(from a: CGPoint, to b: CGPoint) -> CGFloat {
return sqrt(pow(a.x - b.x, 2) + pow(a.y - b.y, 2));